Milan Kostić
Stručni savetnik
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Uticaj ishrane bogate fruktozom na ekspresiju i ćelijsku lokalizaciju Lipina-1 u srcu pacova
Molekularna biologija eukariota
Molekularna biologija
M faktor
Kategorija | Broj | Koeficijent | Ukupno |
Ukupno M faktor:
NI radovi
# | Naziv, Datum, Grupa, Vrsta | Godina | Autori | Status | |
1 |
Cholecalciferol ameliorates insulin signalling and insulin regulation of enzymes involved in glucose metabolism in the rat heart
Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry , , 2021 M20 | M21 |
2021 | Ivkovic T, Culafic T, Tepavcevic S, Romic S, Stojiljkovic M, Kostic M, Stanisic J, Koricanac G |
2 |
Effects of a fructose-rich diet and chronic stress on insulin signaling and regulation of glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta and the sodium-potassium pump in the hearts of male rats
Food and Function , , 2020 M20 | M21 |
2020 | Romic S , Djordjevic A , Tepavcevic S , Culafic T , Stojiljkovic M , Bursac B , Stanisic J , Kostic M , Gligorovska L , Koricanac G |
3 |
Estradiol ameliorates antioxidant axis SIRT1-FoxO3a-MnSOD/catalase in the heart of fructose-fed ovariectomized rats
Journal of Functional Foods , Volume 52 , - , 2019 M20 | M21 |
2019 | Maja Boskovic Maja Bundalo, Maja Zivkovi Jelena Stanisic , Milan Kostic, Goran Koricanac, Aleksandra Stankovic. |
4 |
Low intensity exercise in the prevention of cardiac insulin resistance-related inflammation and disturbances in NOS and MMP-9 regulation in fructose-fed ovariectomised rats
Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism , , 2019 M20 | M21 |
2019 | Stanisic J, Koricanac G, Kostic M, Stojiljkovic M, Culafic T, Romic S, Tepavcevic S |
5 |
Low intensity exercise prevents disturbances in rat cardiac insulin signaling and endothelial nitric oxide synthase induced by high fructose diet
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology , / , 2016 M20 | M21 |
2016 | Јелена Станишић, Горан Корићанац, Тијана Ћулафић, Сњежана Ромић, Мојца Стојиљковић, Милан Костић, Пантелић Марија, Снежана Тепавчевић |
6 |
Low-intensity exercise diverts cardiac fatty acid metabolism from triacylglycerol synthesis to beta oxidation in fructose-fed rats
Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry , , 2021 M20 | M21 |
2021 | Kostić M, Korićanac G, Tepavčević S, Stanišić J, Romić S, Ćulafić T, Ivković T, Stojiljković M |
7 |
Effect of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension on Human Umbilical Vein Smooth Muscle KATP Channels
Experimental and Molecular Pathology , , 2019 M20 | M22 |
2019 | Djokic V, Jankovic-Raznatovic S, Novakovic R, Kostic M, Rajkovic J, Labudovic-Borovic M, Rakocevic J, Stanisic J, Djuric M, Gojkovic-Bukarica L |
8 |
Gender differences in the expression and cellular localization of lipin 1 in the hearts of fructose-fed rats
Lipids , / , 2014 M20 | M22 |
2014 | Сњежана Ромић, Снежана Тепавчевић, Зорица Жакула, Тијана Милосављевић, Милан Костић, Маријана Петковић, Горан Корићанац |
9 |
Pregnancy-induced hypertension decreases Kv1.3 potassium channel expression and function in human umbilical vein smooth muscle
European Journal of Pharmacology , , 2020 M20 | M22 |
2020 | Djokic V, Jankovic S, Labudovic-Borovic M, Rakocevic J, Stanisic J, Rajkovic J, Novakovic R, Kostic M, Djuric M, Gostimirovic M, Gojkovic-Bukarica L |
10 |
The effects of low-intensity exercise on cardiac glycogenesis and glycolysis in male and ovariectomized female rats on a fructose-rich diet
Journal of Food Biochemistry , , 2021 M20 | M22 |
2021 | Jelena Stanisic, Goran Koricanac, Tijana Culafic, Snjezana Romic, Mojca Stojiljkovic, Milan Kostic, Tamara Ivkovic, Snezana Tepavcevic |
11 |
Disturbances in cardiac insulin signaling and nitric oxide synthase in ovariectomized rats on fructose diet can be prevented by low intensity exercise
86th EAS Congress , Lisbon, Portugal , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | J. Stanisic, G. Koricanac, M. Stojiljkovic, T. Culafic, S. Romic, M. Kostic, M. Pantelic, S. Tepavcevic |
12 |
6th Meeting of European Section and 7th Meeting of North American Section of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences (IACS) "CARDIOMETABOLIC DISEASES: HOW NEW RESEARCH MAY LEAD TO NEW CARDIOPROTECTIVE THERAPY" , Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia , 2019 M30 | M34 |
2019 | Romic S, Djordjevic A, Tepavcevic S, Culafic T, Stojiljkovic M, Bursac B, Stanisic J, Kostic M, Gligorovska Lj, Koricanac G |
13 |
Estradiol ameliorates antioxidant axis SIRT1/FOXO3a/MnSOD in the heart of fructose-fed ovariectomized rats
IUBMB Advanced School Nutrition, Metabolism and Aging , Petnica, Serbia , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | Maja Boskovic, Maja Bundalo, Maja Zivkovic, Mojca Stojiljkovic, Milan Kostic, Goran Koricanac, Aleksandra Stankovic |
14 |
Estradiol protects ovariectomized female rats against fructose-rich diet induced oxidative stress
85th EAS Congress, Prague, Czech Republic. Atherosclerosis , , 2017 M30 | M34 |
2017 | Maja Boskovic, Maja Bundalo, Mojca Stojiljkovic, Milan Kostic, Maja Zivkovic, Goran Koricanac, Aleksandra Stankovic, Ivan Zivotic |
15 |
Low intensity exercise prevents disturbances in insulin regulation of a subunits of Na+/K+-ATPase in the heart of fructose-fed female rats
43rd FEBS Congress, Biochemistry Forever , Prague, Czech Republic , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | J. Stanisic, G. Koricanac, M. Stojiljkovic, T. Culafic, M. Kostic, S. Romic, M. Pantelic, S. Tepavcevic |
16 |
Moderate physical activity alters cardiac lipid metabolism of male rats on high fructose diet
43rd FEBS Congress, Biochemistry Forever , Prague, Czech Republic , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | M. Kostic, G. Koricanac, S. Tepavcevic, T. Culafic, S. Romic, J. Stanisic, M. Pantelic, M. Stojiljkovic |
17 |
Vitamin D downregulates cardiac FOXO1 and increases PGC-1 alpha expression
Nutraceuticals in balancing redox status in ageing and age-related diseases, WGs Meeting of the NutRedOx COST Action CA16112 , Belgrade, Serbia , 2020 M30 | M34 |
2020 | Ivkovic, T., Culafic, T., Tepavcevic, S., Romic, S., Stojiljkovic, M., Kostic, M., Stanisic, J., Pantelic, M., Koricanac, G |
18 |
Can low intensity exercise prevent the damaging effects of a fructose-rich diet on cardiac insulin signaling in ovariectomized rats?
12th Meeting of the Slovenian Biochemical Society with international participation, Bled, Slovenia, 20-23 September, 2017 , , 2017 M60 | M64 |
2017 | Jelena Stanišić, Goran Korićanac, Mojca Stojiljković, Tijana Ćulafić, Milan Kostić, Snježana Romić, Marija Pantelić, Snežana Tepavčević |
19 |
Cholecalciferol ameliorates insulin signalling in the male rat heart
13th Meeting of the Slovenian Biochemical Society with International Participation, Dobrna, 24 ‐ 27 September 2019 , , 2019 M60 | M64 |
2019 | Tijana Culafic, Tamara Ivkovic Ivkovic, Snezana Tepavcevic, Snjezana Romic, Mojca Stojiljkovic, Milan Kostic, Jelena Stanisic, Goran Koricanac |
20 |
Effect of fructose enriched diet and walnut consumption on iNOS and phospho‐ERK1/2 protein expression in rat aorta
13th Meeting of the Slovenian Biochemical Society with International Participation, Dobrna, 24 ‐ 27 September 2019 , , 2019 M60 | M64 |
2019 | Tamara Ivkovic, Tijana Culafic, Goran Koricanac, Mojca Stojiljkovic, Milan Kostic, Snjezana Romic, Marija Pantelic, Snezana Tepavcevic |
21 |
Effects of low intensity exercise on cardiac lipid metabolism of fructose fed male rats
Book of Abstracts, 12th Meeting of the Slovenian Biochemical Society with international participation , / , 2017 M60 | M64 |
2017 | М. Костић, Г. Корићанац, С. Тепавчевић, Т. Ћулафић, С. Ромић, Ј. Станишић, М. Пантелић, М. Стојиљковић |
22 |
Expression of potassium ion channel and calcium handling proteins in aorta of fructose and walnuts fed rats
13th Meeting of the Slovenian Biochemical Society with International Participation , Dobrna, Slovenia , 2019 M60 | M64 |
2019 | Stanišić J, Ivković T, Romić S, Rajković J, Korićanac G, Ćulafić T, Stojiljković M, Kostić M, Tepavčević S. |
23 |
Glucose transport and metabolism in the heart of vitamin D treated rats
13th Meetng of the Slovenian Biochemical Society with Internatonal Partcipation, 2019, 24-27 September, Dobrna, Slovenia Biochemical Society with Internatonal Partcipation, 2019, 24-27 September, Dobrna, Slovenia , , 2019 M60 | M64 |
2019 | Snezana Tepavcevic, Tamara Ivkovic, Tijana Culafic, Snjezana Romic, Mojca Stojiljkovic, Milan Kostic, Jelena Stanisic, Goran Koricanac |
24 |
Improvement of lipid metabolism regulation by low-intensity exercise in fructose-fed rats
Serbian Biochemical Society Eleventh Conference Scientific meeting of an international character - “Amazing Biochemistry” , Novi Sad , 2022 M30 | M34 |
2022 | Milan Kostić, Goran Korićanac, Snežana Tepavčević, Tijana Ćulafić, Snježana Romić, Jelena Stanišić, Tamara Ivković, Marija Pantelić, Mojca Stojiljković |
25 |
Expression of kv4.2 and kv4.3 potassium channels in human umbilical veins from normal, diabetic and hypertensive pregnancies
Vojnosanitetski pregled , , 2023 M20 | M23 |
2023 | Vladimir Djokic, Milos Gostimirovic, Jovana Rajkovic, Jelena Rakocevic, Milica Labudovic-Borovic, Svetlana Jankovic, Jelena Stanisic, Milan Kostic, Milos Djuric, Ljiljana Gojkovic-Bukarica |
26 |
Low-Intensity Exercise Affects Cardiac Fatty Acid Oxidation by Increasing the Nuclear Content of PPARα, FOXO1, and Lipin1 in Fructose-Fed Rats
Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders , , 2023 M20 | M23 |
2023 | Milan Kostić, Goran Korićanac, Snežana Tepavčević, Jelena Stanišić, Snježana Romić, Tijana Ćulafić, Tamara Ivković, Mojca Stojiljković |
27 |
Cholecalciferol affects cardiac proteins regulating malonyl-CoA availability and intracellular calcium level
General Physiology and Biophysics , , 2023 M20 | M23 |
2023 | Tamara Ivkovic, Snezana Tepavcevic, Snjezana Romic, Mojca Stojiljkovic, Milan Kostic, Jelena Stanisic, Goran Koricanac, Tijana Culafic |
28 |
Expression of cation-handling proteins in the heart of metabolically compromised rats subjected to walnut-enriched diet
Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia (CoMBoS2) with international participation , Belgrade , 2023 M30 | M34 |
2023 | Snežana Tepavčević, Snježana Romić, Manja Zec, Tijana Ćulafić, Mojca Stojiljković, Tamara Ivković, Marija Pantelić, Milan Kostić, Jelena Stanišić, Goran Korićanac |
29 |
Effects of Walnut-Rich Diet on Cation-Handling Proteins in the Heart of Healthy and Metabolically Compromised Male Rats
Journal of Medicinal Food , , 2023 M20 | M23 |
2023 | Snezana Tepavcevic, Snjezana Romic, Manja Zec, Tijana Culafic, Mojca Stojiljkovic, Tamara Ivkovic, Marija Pantelic, Milan Kostic, Jelena Stanisic, Goran Koricanac |