

Ivan Smiljanić

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# Naziv, Datum, Grupa, Vrsta Godina Autori Status
1 International Large Detector: Interim Design Report
International Large Detector: Interim Design Report , , 2020
M10 | M14
2020 ILD Concept Group
2 The International Large Detector: Letter of Intent
FERMILAB-PUB-09-682-E, DESY-09-87, KEK-REPORT-2009-6 , / , 2010
M10 | M14
3 Combined measurement and QCD analysis of the inclusive e(+/-)p scattering cross sections at HERA
Journal of High Energy Physics , , 2010
M20 | M21
2010 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 and ZEUS Collaborations]
4 Correction of beam-beam effects in luminosity measurement in the forward region at CLIC
JINST 8 P05008 , / , 2013
M20 | M21
5 Erratum to: Measurement of D∗± meson production and determination of F2cc at low Q2 in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2012
M20 | M21
2012 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
6 Luminosity measurement at ILC
JINST , , 2013
M20 | M21
2013 I. Božović Jelisavčić, S. Lukić, G. Milutinović Dumbelović, M. Pandurović, I. Smiljanić
Za izmenu
7 Measurement of beauty photoproduction near threshold using di-electron events with the H1 detector at HERA
Eur.Phys.J.C72(10):2148 , / , 2012
M20 | M21
8 Measurement of Charm and Beauty Jets in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Europena Physicsl Journal C , / , 2011
M20 | M21
9 Measurement of dijet production in diffractive deep-inelastic scattering with a leading proton at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2012
M20 | M21
2012 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
10 Measurement of D∗± meson production and determination of F2cc at low Q2 in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
The European Physical Journal , / , 2011
M20 | M21
11 Measurement of inclusive and dijet D* meson cross sections in photoproduction at HERA
Eur.Phys.J.C72(5):1995 , / , 2012
M20 | M21
12 Measurement of shower development and its Molière radius with a four-plane LumiCal test set-up
European Physical Journal C , , 2018
M20 | M21
2018 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Strahinja Lukić, Mila Pandurović [FCAL Collaboration]
13 Measurement of the azimuthal correlation between the most forward jet and the scattered positron in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2012
M20 | M21
2012 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
14 Measurement of the charm and beauty structure functions using the H1 vertex detector at HERA
Eur. Phys. J. C 65 (1-2) , / , 2010
M20 | M21
15 Measurement of the H to ZZ branching fraction at a 350 GeV and 3 TeV CLIC
Physical Review D , , 2022
M20 | M21
2022 N. Vukašinović, I. Božović-Jelisavčić, G. Kačarević, G. Milutinović-Dumbelović, T. Agatonović-Jovin, I. Smiljanić, M. Radulović, J. Stevanović
16 Measurement of the Higgs boson branching ratio BR(H→γγ) at a 3 TeV CLIC
Physical Review D , , 2022
M20 | M21
2022 G. Kačarević, I. Božović-Jelisavčić, N. Vukašinović, G. Milutinović-Dumbelović, I. Smiljanić, T. Agatonović-Jovin, M. Radulović, J. Stevanović
17 Performance of fully instrumented detector planes of the forward calorimeter of a Linear Collider detector
Journal of Instrumentation (JINST) , / , 2015
M20 | M21
18 Physics potential for the measurement of σ(Hνν)×BR(H→μ+μ−) at the 1.4 TeV CLIC collider
European Physics Journal C , / , 2015
M20 | M21
19 Search for Contact Interactions in ep Collisions at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2011
M20 | M21
2011 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
20 A general search for new phenomena at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2009
M20 | M21a
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
21 A search for excited neutrinos in e− p collisions at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2008
M20 | M21a
2008 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
22 Charged particle production in high Q2 deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2007
M20 | M21a
2007 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović [H1 Collaboration]
23 Deeply virtual Compton scattering and its beam charge asymmetry in e±p collisions at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2009
M20 | M21a
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
24 Diffractive electroproduction of rho and phi mesons at HERA
M20 | M21a
2010 Михајло Мудринић
25 Dijet cross sections and parton densities in diffractive DIS at HERA
Journal of High Energy Physics , , 2007
M20 | M21a
2007 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović [H1 Collaboration]
26 Forward Instrumentation for ILC Detectors
Forward Instrumentation for ILC Detectors, JINST 5 P12002, December 2010, 28 pp. , / , 2010
M20 | M21a
27 Inclusive photoproduction of ρ0, K∗ 0 and ϕ mesons at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2009
M20 | M21a
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
28 Measurement of deeply virtual Compton scattering and its t-dependence at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2008
M20 | M21a
2008 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
29 Measurement of diffractive scattering of photons with large momentum transfer at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2009
M20 | M21a
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
30 Measurement of inclusive jet production in deep-inelastic scattering at high Q2 and determination of the strong coupling
Physics Letters B , , 2007
M20 | M21a
2007 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović [H1 Collaboration]
31 Measurement of the D∗±meson production cross section and F2cc¯ at high Q2 in ep scattering at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2010
M20 | M21a
2010 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
32 Measurement of the Proton Structure Function FL (x, Q2) at Low x
Physics Letters B , , 2008
M20 | M21a
2008 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
33 Multi-lepton production at high transverse momenta in ep collisions at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2008
M20 | M21a
2008 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
34 Observation of the hadronic final state charge asymmetry in high Q2 deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2009
M20 | M21a
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
35 Search for excited electrons in ep collisions at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2008
M20 | M21a
2008 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
36 Search for excited quarks in ep collisions at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2009
M20 | M21a
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
37 Search for first generation leptoquarks in ep collisions at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2011
M20 | M21a
2011 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović. Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
38 Search for lepton flavour violation at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2011
M20 | M21a
2011 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
39 Search for single top quark production at HERA
Physics Letters B , , 2009
M20 | M21a
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
40 A precision measurement of the inclusive ep scattering cross section at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2009
M20 | M22
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović [H1 Collaboration]
41 Diffractive dijet photoproduction in ep collisions at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2010
M20 | M22
2010 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
42 Diffractive open charm production in deep-inelastic scattering and photoproduction at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2007
M20 | M22
2007 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović [H1 Collaboration]
43 Events with isolated leptons and missing transverse momentum and measurement of W production at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2009
M20 | M22
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
44 Inclusive D*± meson and associated dijet production in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2007
M20 | M22
2007 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović [H1 Collaboration]
45 Inelastic production of J/psi mesons in photoproduction and deep inelastic scattering at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2010
M20 | M22
2010 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
46 Jet production in ep collisions at high Q(2) and determination of alpha(s)
European Physical Journal C , , 2010
M20 | M22
2010 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
47 Jet Production in ep Collisions at Low Q2 and Determination of alpha_s
Jet Production in ep Collisions at Low Q2 and Determination of alpha_s, Eur.Phys.J. C67,pp. 1-24 , / , 2010
M20 | M22
48 Measurement of isolated photon production in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2008
M20 | M22
2008 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
49 Measurement of leading neutron production in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2010
M20 | M22
2010 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
50 Measurement of photon production in the very forward direction in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
Euopean Physical Journal C , , 2011
M20 | M22
2011 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
51 Measurement of the cross section for diffractive deep-inelastic scattering with a leading proton at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2011
M20 | M22
2011 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
52 Measurement of the Diffractive Longitudinal Structure Function FLD at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2011
M20 | M22
2011 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
53 Measurement of the inclusive e(+/-) p scattering cross section at high inelasticity y and of the structure function F(L)
European Physical Journal C , , 2011
M20 | M22
2011 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
54 Measurement of the inclusive ep scattering cross section at low Q 2 and x at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2009
M20 | M22
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
55 Prompt photons in photoproduction at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2010
M20 | M22
2010 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
56 Search for baryonic resonances decaying to Ξπ in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2007
M20 | M22
2007 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović [H1 Collaboration]
57 Search for lepton flavour violation in ep collisions at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2007
M20 | M22
2007 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović [H1 Collaboration]
58 Search for squarks in R-parity violating supersymmetry in ep collisions at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2011
M20 | M22
2011 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
59 Strangeness production at low Q2 in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2009
M20 | M22
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
60 Study of charm fragmentation into D* ± mesons in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2009
M20 | M22
2009 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović, Mihajlo Mudrinić [H1 Collaboration]
61 Tests of QCD factorisation in the diffractive production of dijets in deep-inelastic scattering and photoproduction at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2007
M20 | M22
2007 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović [H1 Collaboration]
62 Three-and four-jet production at low x at HERA
European Physical Journal C , , 2008
M20 | M22
2008 Ivan Smiljanić. Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Mila Pandurović [H1 Collaboration]
63 Systematic uncertainties in integrated luminosity measurement at CEPC
Journal of Instrumentation , , 2022
M20 | M23
2022 I. Smiljanic, I. Bozovic Jelisavcic, G. Kacarevic, N. Vukasinovic, I. Vidakovic, V. Rekovic
64 Backgrounds at CLIC
Proceedings of the XIX Workshop of the Collaboration on Forward Calorimetry (FCAL) at Future Linear Collider , / , 2011
M30 | M33
65 CPV in e+e-H at 1 TeV ILC
20th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics , , 2022
M20 | M23
2022 N. Vukasinovic, T. Agatonovic-Jovin, I. Bozovic-Jelisavcic, G. Kacarevic, G. Milutinovic-Dumbelovic, I. Smiljanic, M. Radulovic, J. Stevanovic
66 Forward region studies for ILC
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 9-13 September 2009, AIP Conf.Proc.1203 (2010) , / , 2010
M30 | M33
67 Integrated luminosity measurement at CEPC
40th International Conference on High Energy physics , Prag, Češka Republika , 2021
M30 | M33
2021 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović-Jelisavčić, Goran Kačarević, Suen Hou, Hongbo Zhu
68 Measurement of the branching ratios for the standard model Higgs decays into muon pairs and into Z boson pairs at a 1.4 TeV CLIC
AIP Conf.Proc. 1722 (2016) 070006 , / , 2016
M30 | M33
69 Measurement of the H to ZZ branching fraction at 350 GeV and 3 TeV CLIC
International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS 2021), 15-18 March 2021, CERN, Switzerland. , , 2021
M30 | M33
2021 N. Vukašinović, I. Božović-Jelisavčić, I. Smiljanić, G. Kačarević, G.Milutinović-Dumbelović, T. Agatonović-Jovin, M. Radulović, J. Stevanović
70 Measurement of the Higgs branching ratio BR(H→γγ) at 3 TeV CLIC
International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2021) , , 2021
M30 | M33
2021 G. Kačarević, I. Božović-Jelisavčić, N. Vukašinović, G. Milutinović-Dumbelović, M.Radulović, J. Stevanović, I. Smiljanić, T. Agatonović-Jovin, [on behalf of the CLICdp Collaboration]
71 Potential and challenges of the physics measurements with very forward detectors at linear colliders
Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. , / , 2016
M30 | M33
72 Precision luminosity measurement at ILC
Proceedings of LCWS13 , / , 2014
M30 | M33
73 Probing the CP properties of the Higgs sector at ILC
International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS 2021), 15-18 March 2021, CERN, Switzerland. , , 2021
M30 | M33
2021 T. Agatonovic Jovin, I. Bozovic Jelisavcic, I. Smiljanic, G. Kacarevic, N. Vukasinovic, G. Milutinovic Dumbelovic, J. Stevanovic, M. Radulovic,D. Jeans
74 Towards a Final Selection for Luminosity Measurement
Proceedings of the XIX Workshop of the Collaboration on Forward Calorimetry (FCAL) at Future Linear Collider , / , 2011
M30 | M33
75 Four-fermion Background in Luminosity Measurement at CLIC
Proceedings of the 18th FCAL Collaboration Workshop, , / , 2011
M30 | M34
76 Systematic uncertainties in integrated luminosity measurement at CEPC
BPU11 Congress , Beograd , 2022
M30 | M33
2022 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović Jelisavčić, Goran Kačarević, Naraša Vukašinović, Ivana Vidaković, Vladimir Reković
Za izmenu
77 Корекција ефеката интеракције снопова у мерењу луминозности на сударачу CLIC
Zbornik radova XII kongresa fizčara Srbije , / , 2013
M60 | M63
78 Мерење луминозности на међународном линеарном сударачу
Zbornik radova XII kongresa fizčara Srbije , / , 2013
M60 | M63
79 Metod merenja luminoznosti na Internacionalnom linearnom sudaraču ILC, doktorska teza, Fizički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Metod merenja luminoznosti na Internacionalnom linearnom sudaraču ILC, doktorska teza, Fizički fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu , / , 2016
M70 | M70
80 Very forward calorimeters for future electron-positron colliders
The 30th International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies (Lepton Photon 2021) , Manchester, UK , 2022
M30 | M33
2022 Ivan Smiljanić
81 Probing CPV mixing in the Higgs sector in vector boson fusion at a 1 TeV ILC
Physical Review D , , 2024
M20 | M21
2024 N. Vukašinović, I. Božović-Jelisavčić, G. Kačarević, I. Smiljanić, I. Vidaković
82 Uncertainties from metrology in the integrated luminosity measurement with the updated design of a detector at CEPC
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics , , 2024
M20 | M21a
2024 Ivan Smiljanic, Ivanka Bozovic Jelisavcic, Goran Kacarevic
83 Metrology Requirements for the Integrated Luminosity Measurement Using Small-Angle Bhabha Scattering at ILC
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics , , 2025
M20 | M21
2025 Ivan Smiljanić, Ivanka Božović, Goran Kačarević, Mirko Radulović, Jasna Stevanović


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