Duško Dudić
Viši naučni saradnik
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Nanonauke i nanotehnologije,
Orcid broj:
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M faktor
Kategorija | Broj | Koeficijent | Ukupno |
Ukupno M faktor:
NI radovi
# | Naziv, Datum, Grupa, Vrsta | Godina | Autori | Status | |
1 |
Dependence of mechanical and electrical properties of silver nanocubes impregnated bacterial cellulose-silk fibroin-polyvinyl alcohol films on light exposure
Polymer Testing, , , 2018 M20 | M21 |
2018 | W. Hosakun, Y. Hosakun, D. Dudić, V. Djoković, L. Csóka |
2 |
Effects of acid treatment at different temperatures on the surface dielectric properties of low-density polyethylene
Polymer International , , 2014 M20 | M21 |
2014 | Kosta Simonovic, Ivan Petronijevic, Dušan Kostoski, Jablan Dojcilovic, Adriaan S Luyt and Duško Dudic |
3 |
Electrical properties of composites comprising epoxy and hematite nanorods
Polymer, , , 2008 M20 | M21 |
2008 | D. Dudić, M. Marinović-Cincović, J. M. Nedeljković, V. Djoković |
4 |
Ferroelectric nanocomposites of polyvinylidene fluoride/polymethyl methacrylate blend and BaTiO3 particles: Fabrication of b-crystal polymorph rich matrix through mechanical activation of the filler
2014 | Tladi G. Mofokeng, Adriaan S. Luyt, Vera P. Pavlovic, Vladimir B. Pavlovic, Dusko Dudic, Branislav Vlahovic and Vladimir Djokovic |
5 |
Formation and behavior of low temperature melting peak of quenched and annealed isotactic polypropylene
Polymer International , , 2002 M20 | M21 |
2002 | D. Dudić, D. Kostoski, V. Djoković and M. D. Dramićanin |
6 |
Influence of the presence of medium-soft paraffin wax on the morphology and properties of iPP/silver nanocomposites
eXPRESS Polymer Letters , , 2015 M20 | M21 |
2015 | M. P. Molaba , D. Dudić, A. S. Luyt |
7 |
Ionic diffusion in iPP: DC electrical conductivity
Surfaces and Interfaces , , 2020 M20 | M21 |
2020 | B. ˇSkipina a, I.M. Petronijevic, A.S. Luyt, B.P. Dojcinovic, M.M. Duvenhage, H.C. Swart, E. Suljovrujic, D. Dudic |
8 |
PVDF-HFP/NKBT Composite Dielectrics: Perovskite Particles Induce the Appearance of an Additional Dielectric Relaxation Process in Ferroelectric Polymer Matrix
Polymer Testing , , 2021 M20 | M21 |
2021 | Vera P. Pavlović, Dragana Tošić, Radovan Dojčilović, Duško Dudić, Miroslav D. Dramićanin, Mina Medić, Michael M. McPherson, Vladimir B. Pavlović, Branislav Vlahović6, Vladimir Djoković |
9 |
Radiation, thermo-oxidative and storage induced changes in microstructure, crystallinity and dielectric properties of (un)oriented isotactic polypropylene
Polymer Degradation and Stability , , 2021 M20 | M21 |
2021 | E. Suljovrujic, Z. Stojanovic, D. Dudic, D. Milicevic |
Dupli unos, za brisanje
10 |
The detection of the early stages of ageing in an LDPE+graphite composite by comparison of dielectric responses induced by sinusoidal and triangular signals
eXPRESS Polymer Letters , , 2014 M20 | M21 |
2014 | I. Petronijevic, K. Simonovic, F. Marinkovic, J. Dojcilovic, A. S. Luyt and D. Dudic |
11 |
The effect of gamma irradiation on the thermal behavior of dielectric properties of linear low-density/carbonblack semiconductive composites
Radiation Physics and Chemistry , , 2015 M20 | M21 |
2015 | D. Dudić, A.S.Luyt, F.Marinković, I.Petronijević, J.Dojčilović and D.Kostoski |
12 |
Charge-trapping capability and AC conductivity at different humidities of poly(ethyleneimine)-TiO2-anthocyanin modified cellulose fibres
Wood Sci Technol , , 2018 M20 | M21a |
2018 | A.S. Luyt, B. Škipina, L. Csóka and D. Dudić |
13 |
Generation of photo charge in poly(ethyleneimine)-TiO2-anthocyanin modified papers conditioned at different humidities
Dyes and Pigments , , 2018 M20 | M21a |
2018 | B. Škipina, A.S. Luyt, L. Csóka, V. Djoković |
14 |
Photo-induced changes and contact relaxation of the surface AC conductivity of the paper prepared from poly(ethyleneimine)–TiO2–anthocyanin modified cellulose fibers
Cellulose , , 2015 M20 | M21a |
2015 | L. Csóka, D. Dudić, I. Petronijević, C. Rozsa, K. Halasz and V. Djoković |
15 |
Temperature depedence of the electrical conductivity of the epoxy/graphite sheets nanocomposites
ScriptaMaterialia , , 2008 M20 | M21a |
2008 | N.Jović, D.Dudić, A.Montone, M.V. Antisari, M.Mitrić and V. Djoković |
16 |
The high temperature secondary crystallization of aged isotactic polypropylene
Polymer Testing , , 2004 M20 | M21a |
2004 | D. Dudić, V. Djoković and D. Kostoski |
17 |
Aging of drawn and gamma-irradiated isotactic polypropylene using high oxygen pressure
Polymer Degradation and Stability , , 1996 M20 | M22 |
1996 | Z. Stojanović, D. Kostoski, D. Dudić and Z. Kačarević-Popović |
18 |
Dielectric spectroscopy of nanocomposites based on iPP and aPS treated in the water solutions of alkali metal salts
Polymers for Advanced Technologies , , 2018 M20 | M22 |
2018 | Ivan M. Petronijevic, Dragana D. Cerovic, Dusko A. Dudic,Jablan R. Dojcilovic, Biljana P. Dojcinovic, Marija V. Pergal |
19 |
Effect of gamma irradiation on the stress-relaxation of drawn LLDPE
Polymer degradation and stability , , 1998 M20 | M22 |
1998 | V Djoković, Z Kačarević-Popović, Duško Dudić, D Kostoski |
20 |
Effect of gamma irradiation on the stress-relaxation of drawn ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene
Radiation Physics and Chemistry , , 1999 M20 | M22 |
1999 | V. Djoković, D. Kostoski, M. D. Dramićanin and D. Dudić |
21 |
Effects of Charge Trapping on the Electrical Conductivity of Low-Density Polyethylene-Carbon Black Composites
J. App. Pol. Sci. , , 2011 M20 | M22 |
2011 | D. Dudić, B.Škipina, J.Dojčilović, L.Novaković and D.Kostoski |
22 |
Fluorescence microscopy and photodielectric characterization studies of the composite films of polyvinyl alcohol and tryptophan functionalized silver nanoparticles
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects , , 2022 M20 | M22 |
2022 | Dušan K. Božanić, Radovan Dojčilović, Jelena D. Pajović, Dragana Tošić, Duško Dudić, Matthieu Réfrégiers, Vladimir Djoković |
23 |
Properties and thermo-switch behaviour of LDPE mixed with carbon black, zinc metal and paraffin wax
J Polym Res , , 2017 M20 | M22 |
2017 | Benison T. Motloung, Duško Dudić, Julia P. Mofokeng and Adriaan S. Luyt |
24 |
Recrystallization processes induced by accelerated ageing in isotactic polypropylene of different morphologies
Polym. Deg. Stab. , , 2000 M20 | M22 |
2000 | D. Dudić, D. Kostoski, Z. Stojanović and V. Djoković |
25 |
The study of optical and photodielectric properties of polymethyl methacrylate and tris-(8-hydroxy-quinoline) aluminum (Alq3) composites
J Appl Polym Sci , , 2021 M20 | M22 |
2021 | D. Vukovic, B. Škipina, S. Maletic, D. D. Cerovic, M.-M. Duvenhage, A. S. Luyt, D. Mirjanic, D. Dudic |
26 |
Dielectrical properties of composites LDPE+CB
Hemijska industrija , , 2010 M20 | M23 |
2010 | Škipina Blanka, Dudić Duško, Kostoski Dušan, Dojčilović Jablan |
27 |
Viscoelastic properties of polyethylene at elevated temperatures on the basis of a two-process model for stress relaxation
Mat. Sci. Phorum , , 2000 M20 | M23 |
2000 | V. Djoković, M. D. Dramićanin, D. Kostoski and D. Dudić |
28 |
Perspectives of Electricity Storage in Polymer Capacitors
Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science , , 2021 M20 | M24 |
2021 | Duško Dudić |
29 |
Dielectric sensitization of zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) nanopowder
Contemporary Materials 8 , , 2017 M30 | M31 |
2017 | Adriaan S. Luyt, Еrnie H.G. Langner, Duško Dudić |
30 |
LDPE/ZIF-8 composite as a cathode in an electron battery
XIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCECONTEMPORARY MATERIALS 2020. Banja Luka, 11th September, 2020. , Banja Luka , 2020 M30 | M31 |
2020 | Duško Dudić |
31 |
Monolayer polymer photo cells. The opportunities
Contemporary Materials 6 , , 2015 M30 | M31 |
2015 | D. Dudić, A. S. Luyt |
32 |
Contemporary Materials 10 , Bosna i Hercegovina , 2019 M30 | M31 |
2019 | Blanka Škipina, Adriaan S. Luyt, D Dudić |
33 |
Enhancement of the surface dielectric and photodielectric properties of low density polyethylene by adding emodin
Contemporary Materials , Bosna i Hercegovina , 2018 M30 | M33 |
2018 | Blanka Škipina, Zoran Kukrić, Mirjana Milošević, Adriaan S. Luyt and Duško Dudić |
34 |
Application of new methods of testing the Serbian harmonized standards for low-voltage cables
Tehnika - Kvalitet, standardizacija i metrologija , , 2008 M50 | M52 |
2008 | Tjapkin, N., Nikolajević, S. and Dudić, D. |
35 |
Characteristics of ozone sources for testing electrical insulation materials
Tehnika - Kvalitet, standardizacija i metrologija , , 2007 M50 | M52 |
2007 | Dudić, D. and Tjapkin, N. |
36 |
Termoelektricne osobine polimernih kompozita i nanokompozita
Fizicki fakultet Beograd , Beograd , 2010 M70 | M71 |
2010 | D. Dudic |
37 |
Procesi rekristalizacije u iPP
Fizicki fakultet Beograd , Beograd , 1997 M70 | M72 |
1997 | D.Dudic |
38 |
Лабораторијска апаратура за одређивање термичких карактеристика неметалних и композитних електроинсталационих цеви
Ministarstvo za nauku , Beograd , 2013 M80 | M82 |
2013 | Никола Тјапкин, Душко Дудић, Владимир Бурсаћ, Александар Виденовић, Александар Ђурђевић, Мирослав Туфегџић, Јадранка Лабус, Предраг Поповић |
39 |
High voltage indicator
Worldwide applications , , 2013 M90 | M91 |
2013 | Dusko Dudic, Vladimir Djokovic, A.S.Luyt |
40 |
Toward improved PVDF-BaTiO3 composite dielectrics: mechanical activation of the filler versus filler content
Physica Scripta , , 2023 M20 | M22 |
2023 | Vladimir Djoković, Duško Dudić, Radovan Dojčilović, Filip S Marinković, Vera P Pavlović, Vladimir B Pavlović, Branislav Vlahovic |
41 |
Photodielectric Characterization of Light-driven Au/TiO2 Nanomotors In Liquid Medium
Contemporary Materials , , 2023 M20 | M24 |
2023 | Danijela Danilović, Đorđe Trpkov, Radovan Dojčilović, Dragana Tošić, Jelena Pajović, Blanka Škipina, Duško Dudić |