
Aleksandra Maluckov
Naučni savetnik
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Просторно-временски режими у нелинеарној интеракцији три таласа
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Kategorija | Broj | Koeficijent | Ukupno |
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# | Naziv, Datum, Grupa, Vrsta | Godina | Autori | Status | |
1 |
Discrete Vortex Solitons in Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates
Horizons in World Physics , , 2010 M10 | M13 |
2010 | G. Gligorić, A. Maluckov, M. Stepić, Lj. Hadžievski, B. A: Malomed |
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2 |
Extreme Events in Nonlinear Lattices
Chaos, Information Processing and Paradoxical Games , / , 2015 M10 | M13 |
2015 | Г. Тсиронис, N. Lazarides, А. Малуцков, Љ. Хаџиевски |
3 |
A nonlinear model of the dynamics of radial dislocations in microtubules
, / , 2014 M20 | M21 |
2014 | Слободан Здравковић, Миљко Сатарић, Александра Малуцков, Антун Балаж |
4 |
A nonlinear model of the dynamics of radial dislocations in microtubules, Appl. Math. Comput. 237 227–237 (2014)
Appl. Math. Comput. , / , 2014 M20 | M21 |
2014 | Слободан Здравковић, Александра Малуцков, Antun Balaž, М. САТАРИЋ |
5 |
Are microtubules discrete or continuum systems?
Applied Mathematics and Computation , / , 2014 M20 | M21 |
2014 | Slobodan Zdravković, Aleksandra Maluckov, Miloš Đekić, Славица Кузмановић, Miljko Satarić |
6 |
Bifurcation analysis of the localized modes dynamics in lattices with saturable nonlinearity
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena , , 2006 M20 | M21 |
2006 | A. Maluckov, Lj. Hadžievski, M. Stepić |
7 |
Bright solitons in the one-dimensional discrete Gross-Pitaevskii equation with dipole-dipole interactions
Physical Review A , , 2008 M20 | M21 |
2008 | Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Ljupčo Hadžievski, and Boris A. Malomed |
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8 |
Coherent light propagation through multi-core optical fibers with linearly coupled cores
Journal of the Optical Society of America B , / , 2015 M20 | M21 |
2015 | А. Радосављевић, Ј. Петровић, А. Малуцков, Љ. Хаџиевски, A. Danicic |
9 |
Collapse instability of solitons in the nonpolynomial Schrödinger equation with dipole-dipole interactions
Journal of Physics B , , 2009 M20 | M21 |
2009 | G Gligorić, A Maluckov, Lj Hadžievski and B A Malomed |
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10 |
Collapse instability of solitons in the nonpolynomial Schrödinger equation with dipole–dipole interactions
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , , 2009 M20 | M21 |
2009 | G Gligorić, A Maluckov, Lj Hadžievski, B A Malomed |
11 |
Composite localized modes in discretized spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates
Journal of Physics. B: Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics , / , 2015 M20 | M21 |
2015 | Петра Беличев, Горан Глигорић, Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Јована Петровић, Љупчо Хаџиевски |
12 |
Control of a Bose-Einstein condensate on a chip by external optical and magnetic potentials
Annals of Physics , , 2012 M20 | M21 |
2012 | A.Maluckov, J.Petrovic, G.Gligorić,Lj.Hadžievski, P.Lombardi, F.Schäfer, F.S.Cataliotti |
13 |
Control of light propagation in one-dimensional quasi-periodic nonlinear photonic lattices
Journal of Optics , , 2014 M20 | M21 |
2014 | A. Radosavljević, G. Gligorić, A. Maluckov, and M. Stepić |
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14 |
Control of light propagation in one-dimensional quasi-periodic nonlinear photonic lattices, Journal of Optics 16, 025201 (2014)
Journal of Optics , / , 2014 M20 | M21 |
2014 | Ана Радосављевић, Горан Глигорић, Александра Малуцков, Милутин Степић |
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15 |
Discrete solitons in an array of quantum dots
Physical Review B , , 2013 M20 | M21 |
2013 | Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Ljupčo Hadžievski, Gregory Ya. Slepyan, and Boris A. Malomed |
16 |
Discrete vortex solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
Journal of Physics. B: Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics , / , 2010 M20 | M21 |
2010 | Горан Глигорић, Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Милутин Степић, Љупчо Хаџиевски |
17 |
Dynamics of dark solitons at structural defect in one-dimensional photonic lattices with defocusing saturable nonlinearity
Europhysics Letters , , 2013 M20 | M21 |
2013 | P. P. Beličev, G. Gligorić, A. Maluckov, and M. Stepić |
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18 |
Dynamics of dark solitons localized at structural defect in one-dimensional photonic lattices with defocusing saturable nonlinearity
Europhysics Letters , , 2013 M20 | M21 |
2013 | Petra P. Beličev, Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov and Milutin Stepić |
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19 |
Existence and stability of bright discrete staggered solitons in photovoltaic photorefractive media
European Physical Journal B , , 2005 M20 | M21 |
2005 | A. Maluckov, M. Stepić, D. Kip, and Lj. Hadžievski |
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20 |
Gap and dark solitons indiscrete photorefractive media with intensity-resonant nonlinearity
Aplied Physics B , , 2009 M20 | M21 |
2009 | M. Stepić, A. Maluckov, and D. Kip |
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21 |
Gap solitons in defocusing lithium niobate binary waveguide arrays fabricated by proton implantation and selective light illumination
Applied Physics B , , 2009 M20 | M21 |
2009 | Y. Tan, F. Chen, P. P. Beličev, M. Stepić, A. Maluckov, C. E. Rüter, D. Kip |
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22 |
Gap solitons in defocusing lithium niobate binary waveguide arrays fabricated by proton implantation and selective white light illumination
Applied Physics B , , 2009 M20 | M21 |
2009 | Y. Tan, F. Chen, P. P. Beličev, M. Stepić, A. Maluckov, C. E. Rüter, and D. Kip |
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23 |
High- and low-frequency phonon modes in dipolar quantum gases trapped in deep lattices
Physical Review A , , 2013 M20 | M21 |
2013 | Aleksandra Maluckov, Goran Gligorić, Ljupčo Hadžievski, Boris A. Malomed, and Tilman Pfau |
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24 |
Influence of different disorder types on Aharonov-Bohm caging in the diamond chain
Phys. Rev. A. 101, 023839 (2020) , , 2020 M20 | M21 |
2020 | G. Gligoric, D. Leykam, A. Maluckov |
25 |
Influence of disorder on generation and probability of extreme events in Salerno lattices
Physical Review E , , 2017 M20 | M21 |
2017 | Mančić, A. Maluckov, A. HadŽievski, L. |
26 |
Interface solitons in locally linked two-dimensional lattices
Physical Review E , , 2011 M20 | M21 |
2011 | M. D. Petrović, G. Gligorić, A. Maluckov, Lj. Hadžievski, and B. A. Malomed |
27 |
Interface solitons in one-dimensional locally coupled lattice systems
Physical Review A , , 2010 M20 | M21 |
2010 | Lj. Hadžievski, G. Gligorić, A. Maluckov, and B. A. Malomed |
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28 |
Left-handed metamaterials with saturable nonlinearity
Physical Review E , , 2008 M20 | M21 |
2008 | A. Maluckov, Lj. Hadžievski, N. Lazarides, G. P. Tsironis |
29 |
Light propagation in binary kagome ribbons with evolving disorder
Physical Review E , , 2017 M20 | M21 |
2017 | A. Radosavljević, G. Gligorić, P. P. Beličev, A. Maluckov, M. Stepić |
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30 |
Light propagation management by disorder and nonlinearity in one-dimensional photonic lattices
Journal of the Optical Society of America B , , 2013 M20 | M21 |
2013 | Ana Radosavljević, Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Milutin Stepić, and Daniela Milović |
31 |
Localized gap modes in nonlinear dimerized Lieb lattices
Physical Review A , / , 2017 M20 | M21 |
2017 | П. Беличев, Г. Глигорић, А. Малуцков, М. Степић, M. Johansson |
32 |
Localized modes in a two-dimensional lattice with a pluslike geometry
Physical Review E , , 2020 M20 | M21 |
2020 | Marija Stojanović Krasić, Mirjana Stojanović, Aleksandra Maluckov, Lukas J Maczewsky, Alexander Szameit, Milutin Stepić |
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33 |
Localized modes in linear and nonlinear octagonal-diamond lattices with two flat bands
Physical Review A , , 2020 M20 | M21 |
2020 | M. G. Stojanović, M. Stojanović Krasić, A. Maluckov, M. Johansson, I. A. Salinas, R. A. Vicencio, and M. Stepić |
34 |
Localized modes in mini-gaps opened by periodically modulated intersite coupling in two-dimensional nonlinear lattices
Chaos , , 2014 M20 | M21 |
2014 | Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Ljupčo Hadžievski, and Boris A. Malomed |
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35 |
Matter wave soliton solutions for driven Gross–Pitaevskii equation with distributed coefficients
Annals of Physics , , 2019 M20 | M21 |
2019 | Ritu Pal, Shally Loomba, C.N. Kumar, Daniela Milovic, Aleksandra Maluckov |
36 |
Models of spin-orbit-coupled oligomers
Chaos , , 2017 M20 | M21 |
2017 | G. Gligorić, A. Radosavljević, J. Petrović, A. Maluckov, Lj. Hadžievski, and B. A. Malomed |
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37 |
Modulational instability on triangular dynamical lattices with long-range interactions and dispersion
European Physical Journal B , , 2004 M20 | M21 |
2004 | Stepić, M. Maluckov, A. Hadžievski, Lj. Chen, F. Runde, D. Kip, D. |
38 |
Nonlinear Bloch wave dynamics in photonic Aharonov–Bohm cages
APL Photonics 6, 030801 (2021); , , 2021 M20 | M21 |
2021 | Nana Chang, Sinan Gundogdu, Daniel Leykam, Dimitris G. Angelakis, SuPeng Kou, Sergej Flach, and Aleksandra Maluckov |
39 |
Nonlinear localized flat-band modes with spin-orbit coupling
Physical Review B , / , 2016 M20 | M21 |
2016 | Горан Глигорић, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски, Борис Маломед, |
40 |
Nonlinear symmetry breaking of Aharonov-Bohm cages
, / , 2019 M20 | M21 |
2019 | Gligoric Goran, Belicev Petra P., Leykam Daniel, Maluckov Aleksandra |
41 |
On symmetric breather collisions in lattices with saturable nonlinearity
European Physical Journal B , , 2006 M20 | M21 |
2006 | Maluckov, A. Hadžievski, Lj. Stepić, M. |
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42 |
Phys. Rev. E 102, 032207 (2020)
Localized modes in a two-dimensional lattice with a pluslike geometry , , 2020 M20 | M21 |
2020 | Marija Stojanović Krasić, Mirjana Stojanović, Aleksandra Maluckov, Lukas J. Maczewsky, Alexander Szameit, and Milutin Stepić |
43 |
Physical Review B
Nonlinear signatures of Floquet band topology , , 2022 M20 | M21 |
2022 | Aleksandra Maluckov , Ekaterina Smolina, Daniel Leykam , Sinan Gündo ̆gdu , Dimitris G. Angelakis and Daria A. Smirnova |
44 |
Soliton nanoantennas in two-dimensional arrays of quantum dots
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , / , 2015 M20 | M21 |
2015 | Горан Глигорић, Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски, G. Ya Slepyan |
45 |
Soliton stability and collapse in the discrete nonpolynomial Schrödinger equation with dipole-dipole interactions
Physical Review A , , 2009 M20 | M21 |
2009 | Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Ljupčo Hadžievski, and Boris A. Malomed |
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46 |
Spatial rogue waves in photorefractive SBN crystals
OPTICS LETTERS , / , 2019 M20 | M21 |
2019 | Hermann-Avigliano C., Salinas I. A., Rivas D. A., Real B., Mancic A., Mejia-Cortes C., Maluckov A., Vicencio R. A. |
47 |
Surface solitons in trilete lattices
Physica D , / , 2011 M20 | M21 |
2011 | Марија Стојановић-Красић, А. Малуцков, Љ. Хаџиевски, Б. Маломед |
48 |
Theoretical analysis of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with a porous-film waveguide
Journal of Optics , / , 2015 M20 | M21 |
2015 | Александра Малуцков, Јована Петровић, Невена Раичевић |
49 |
Thermalization in the one-dimensional Salerno model lattice
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 103, 032211 (2021) , , 2021 M20 | M21 |
2021 | Thudiyangal Mithun, Aleksandra Maluckov , Bertin Many Manda , Charalampos Skokos , Alan Bishop, Avadh Saxena , Avinash Khare, and Panayotis G. Kevrekidis |
50 |
Topological Charge Switch in Active Multi-Core Fibers
Annalen der Physik , , 2021 M20 | M21 |
2021 | Petra P. Beličev, Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Ljupčo Hadžievski, Sergei Turitsyn |
51 |
Topological Charge Switch in Active Multi‐Core Fibers
Annalen der Physik , , 2021 M20 | M21 |
2021 | Petra P. Beličev, Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Ljupčo Hadžievski, Sergei Turitsyn |
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52 |
Transition to miscibility in linearly coupled binary dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A , , 2010 M20 | M21 |
2010 | Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Milutin Stepić, Ljupčo Hadžievski, and Boris A. Malomed |
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53 |
Two routes to the one-dimensional discrete nonpolynomial Schrödinger equation
Chaos , , 2009 M20 | M21 |
2009 | G. Gligorić, A. Maluckov, L. Salasnich, B. A. Malomed, and Lj. Hadžievski |
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54 |
Two-dimensional discrete solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A , , 2010 M20 | M21 |
2010 | Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Milutin Stepić, Ljupčo Hadžievski, and Boris A. Malomed |
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55 |
Discrete localized modes supported by an inhomogeneous defocusing nonlinearity
Phys. Rev. E , / , 2013 M20 | M21a |
2013 | Горан Глигорић, Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски |
56 |
Dynamics of dark breathers in lattices with saturable nonlinearity
Optics Express , , 2007 M20 | M21a |
2007 | Ljupčo Hadžievski, Aleksandra Maluckov, and Milutin Stepić |
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57 |
Dynamics of gap solitons in one-dimensional binary lattice with saturable self-defocusing nonlinearity and alternating spacing
Physical Review A , , 2012 M20 | M21a |
2012 | Petra P. Beličev, Igor Ilić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Milutin Stepić, Andrey Kanshu, Christian E. Ruter,and Detlef Kip |
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58 |
Dynamics of gap solitons in one-dimensional binary lattices with saturable self-defocusing nonlinearity and alternating spacing
Physical Review A , / , 2012 M20 | M21a |
2012 | Петра Беличев, Игор Илић, Александра Малуцков, Милутин Степић, A. Kanshu, C. E. Rüter, D. Kip |
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59 |
Extreme events in two-dimensional disordered nonlinear lattices
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena , / , 2013 M20 | M21a |
2013 | А. Малуцков, Љ. Хаџиевски, Г. Тсиронис, N. Lazarides |
60 |
Fundamental solitons in discrete lattices with a delayed nonlinear response
Chaos , / , 2010 M20 | M21a |
2010 | Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски |
61 |
High- and low-frequency phonon modes in dipolar quantum gases trapped in deep lattices
Phys. Rev. A , / , 2013 M20 | M21a |
2013 | Горан Глигорић, Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски, T. Pfau |
Za izmenu
62 |
Interface solitons in locally linked two-dimensional lattices
Physical Review E , / , 2011 M20 | M21a |
2011 | Горан Глигорић, Александра Малуцков, Марија Петровић, Љупчо Хаџиевски, Борис Маломед |
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63 |
Interface solitons in one-dimensional locally-coupled lattice systems
Phys. Rev. A , / , 2010 M20 | M21a |
2010 | Горан Глигорић, Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски |
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64 |
Light propagation in binary kagome ribbons with evolving disorder
Physical Review E , / , 2017 M20 | M21a |
2017 | А. Радосављевић, Г. Глигорић, П. Беличев, А. Малуцков, М. Степић |
Za izmenu
65 |
Localized modes in mini-gaps opened by periodically modulated intersite coupling in two-dimensional nonlinear lattices, Chaos 24, 023124 (2014)
Chaos , / , 2014 M20 | M21a |
2014 | Горан Глигорић, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски, Борис Маломед |
Za izmenu
66 |
Localized modes in nonlinear binary kagome ribbons
Physical Review E , , 2015 M20 | M21a |
2015 | P. P. Beličev, G. Gligorić, A. Radosavljević, A. Maluckov, M. Stepić, R. A. Vicencio, and M. Johansson |
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67 |
Localized modulated waves in microtubules, Chaos 24 023139. (2014)
Chaos , / , 2014 M20 | M21a |
2014 | Слободан Здравковић, Александра Малуцков, G. Aru, A. Bugay |
68 |
Models of spin-orbit-coupled oligomers
Chaos , / , 2017 M20 | M21a |
2017 | Г. Глигорић, А. Радосављевић, Ј. Петровић, А. Малуцков, Љ. Хаџиевски, Б. Маломед |
69 |
Modulational instability and solitary waves in one-dimensional lattices with intensity-resonant nonlinearity
Physical Review A , , 2008 M20 | M21a |
2008 | Milutin Stepić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Marija Stojanović, Feng Chen, and Detlef Kip |
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70 |
Observation of linear and nonlinear strongly localized modes at phase-slip defects in one-dimensional photonic lattices
Optics Letters , / , 2010 M20 | M21a |
2010 | Петра Беличев, Игор Илић, Александра Малуцков, Милутин Степић, Y. Tan, F. Chen |
71 |
One-dimensional bright discrete solitons in media with saturable nonlinearity
Physical Review E , , 2004 M20 | M21a |
2004 | Milutin Stepić, Detlef Kip, Ljupčo Hadžievski, and Aleksandra Maluckov |
72 |
Power Controlled Soliton Stability and Steering in Lattices with Saturable Nonlinearity
Physical Review Letters , , 2004 M20 | M21a |
2004 | Ljupčo Hadžievski, Aleksandra Maluckov, Milutin Stepić, and Detlef Kip |
73 |
Probing Band Topology Using Modulational Instability
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 126, 073901 (2021) , , 2021 M20 | M21a |
2021 | Daniel Leykam , Ekaterina Smolina, Aleksandra Maluckov, Sergej Flach,and Daria A. Smirnova |
74 |
Self-organization in a dissipative three-wave interaction
Physical Review E , , 1999 M20 | M21a |
1999 | M. M. Škorić, T. Sato, A. Maluckov, M. S. Jovanović |
75 |
Stable optical vortices in nonlinear multicore fibers
Light: Science&Applications , / , 2015 M20 | M21a |
2015 | Љупчо Хаџиевски, Александра Малуцков, A. M. Rubenchik, S. Turitsyn |
76 |
Stable periodic density waves in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in optical lattices
Physical Review Letters , , 2012 M20 | M21a |
2012 | Aleksandra Maluckov, Goran Gligorić, Ljupčo Hadžievski, Boris A. Malomed, and Tilman Pfau |
77 |
Stationary solitary and kink solutions in the helicoidal Peyrard-Bishop model of DNA molecule
Chaos , , 2019 M20 | M21a |
2019 | S. Zdravkovic, D. Cevizovic, A. N. Bugay, A. Maluckov |
78 |
Statistics of vector Manakov rogue waves
, / , 2018 M20 | M21a |
2018 | Mancic A., Baronio F., Hadzievski Lj, Wabnitz S., Maluckov A. |
79 |
Tamm oscillations in semi-infinite nonlinear waveguide arrays
Optics Letters , , 2007 M20 | M21a |
2007 | Milutin Stepić, Eugene Smirnov, Christian E. Rüter, Detlef Kip, Aleksandra Maluckov, and Ljupčo Hadžievski |
80 |
Transition to miscibility in linearly coupled binary dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A , , 2010 M20 | M21a |
2010 | Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Milutin Stepić, Ljupčo Hadžievski, Boris A. Malomed |
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81 |
Transition to miscibility in linearly coupled binary dipolar, Bose-Einstein condensates
Phys. Rev. A , / , 2010 M20 | M21a |
2010 | Горан Глигорић, Александра Малуцков, Борис Маломед, Милутин Степић, Љупчо Хаџиевски |
82 |
Two routes to the one-dimensional discrete nonpolynomial Schrödinger equation
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science , , 2009 M20 | M21a |
2009 | G. Gligorić, A. Maluckov, L. Salasnich, B. A. Malomed, Lj. Hadžievski |
83 |
Two-dimensional discrete solitons in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates
Phys. Rev. A , / , 2010 M20 | M21a |
2010 | Горан Глигорић, Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Милутин Степић, Љупчо Хаџиевски |
84 |
Composite localized modes in discretized spin–orbit-coupled Bose–Einstein condensates
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , , 2015 M20 | M22 |
2015 | Petra P Beličev, Goran Gligorić, Jovana Petrovic, Aleksandra Maluckov, Ljupčo Hadžievski and Boris A Malomed |
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85 |
Deep learning-based classification of high intensity light patterns in photorefractive crystals
Journal of Optics , , 2020 M20 | M22 |
2020 | Marija Ivanović, Ana Mančić, Carla Hermann-Avigliano, Ljupčo Hadžievski, Aleksandra Maluckov |
86 |
Evanescent-wave optical gas sensor with a porous
thin fil coating, Physica Scripta T162, 014037
Physica Scripta , / , 2014 M20 | M22 |
2014 | Невена Раичевић, Александра Малуцков, Јована Петровић |
87 |
Light propagation inside 'cavity' formed between nonlinear defect and interface of two dissimilar one-dimensional linear photonic lattices
The European Physical Journal D , , 2015 M20 | M22 |
2015 | Slavica Kuzmanović, Marija Stojanović Krasić, Daniela Milović, Marjan Miletić, Ana Radosavljević, Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov & Milutin Stepić |
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88 |
Light propagation inside ‘cavity’ formed between nonlinear defect and interface of two dissimilar one-dimensional linear photonic lattices
The European Physical Journal D , / , 2015 M20 | M22 |
2015 | Славица Кузмановић, Stojanović Krasić Marija, Milović Daniela, Miletić Marjan, Radosavljević Ana, Gligorić Goran, Maluckov Aleksandra, Stepić Milutin |
89 |
Long-lived double periodic patterns in dipolar cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice
Physica Scripta , / , 2012 M20 | M22 |
2012 | Горан Глигорић, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски |
90 |
Long-lived double periodic patterns in dipolar cigar-shaped BoseEinstein condensates in an optical lattice
Physica Scripta , , 2012 M20 | M22 |
2012 | A Maluckov, G Gligorić, and Lj Hadžievski |
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91 |
Manipulation of light beam propagation in one-dimensional photonic lattices with linear refractive index profile
Optics Communications , , 2015 M20 | M22 |
2015 | AnaRadosavljević, GoranGligorić, AleksandraMaluckov, MilutinStepić |
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92 |
Manipulation of light beam propagation in one-dimensional photonic lattices with linear refractive index profile, Optics Communications 335,194 (2014)
Optics Communications , / , 2015 M20 | M22 |
2015 | Ана Радосављевић, Горан Глигорић, Александра Малуцков, Милутин Степић |
93 |
Manipulation of light beampropagation in one-dimensional photonic lattices with linear refractive index profile
Optics Communications , , 2015 M20 | M22 |
2015 | A. Radosavljević, G. Gligorić, A. Maluckov, and M. Stepić |
Za izmenu
94 |
Modulational instability in one-dimensional lithium niobate waveguide arrays: comparison with Kerr nonlinearity
Optics Communications , , 2006 M20 | M22 |
2006 | M. Stepić, C. Rüter, D. Kip, A. Maluckov, and Lj. Hadžievski |
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95 |
Nonlinear compact localized modes in flux-dressed octagonal diamond lattice
Physica Scripta , , 2022 M20 | M22 |
2022 | M. G. Stojanović, S. Gündoğdu, D. Leykam ,D. G. Angelakis, M. Stojanović Krasić ,M. Stepić and A. Maluckov |
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96 |
Nonlinear compact localized modes in flux-dressed octagonal-diamond lattice
Physica Scripta , , 2022 M20 | M22 |
2022 | M G Stojanović, S Gündoğdu, D Leykam, D G Angelakis, M Stojanović Krasić, M Stepić, A Maluckov |
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97 |
Numerical study of high intensity events in the supercontinuum generation in the presence of input chirp
Optik , , 2019 M20 | M22 |
2019 | Marija Veljković, Ana Mančić, Daniela Milović, Aleksandra Maluckov |
98 |
On symmetric breather collisions in lattices with saturable nonlinearity
The European Physical Journal B , , 2006 M20 | M22 |
2006 | A. Maluckov, Lj. Hadžievski, M. Stepić |
99 |
Vortex complexes in two-dimensional optical lattices linearly coupled at a single site
Physica Scripta , , 2013 M20 | M22 |
2013 | M Stojanović, M D Petrović, G Gligorić, A Maluckov, Lj Hadžievski and B A Malomed |
100 |
Chaotic dynamics and supercontinuum generation with cosh-Gaussian pulses in photonic-crystal fibers
LASER PHYSICS , / , 2018 M20 | M23 |
2018 | Veljkovic Marija, Milovic Daniela, Maluckov Aleksandra, Biswas Anjan, Majid Fayequa B., Glenn Chance M., Sr. |
101 |
Compact discrete breathers on flat-band networks
LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS , / , 2018 M20 | M23 |
2018 | Danieli C., Maluckov A., Flach S. |
102 |
Defect induced wave-packet dynamics in linear one-dimensional photonic lattices
Physica Scripta , , 2015 M20 | M23 |
2015 | Slavica Kuzmanović, Marija Stojanović Krasić, Daniela Milović, Ana Radosavljević, Goran Gligorić, Aleksandra Maluckov, Milutin Stepić |
103 |
Light propagation inside ‘cavity’ formed between nonlinear defect and interface of two dissimilar one-dimensional linear photonic lattices
European Physical Journal D , , 2015 M20 | M23 |
2015 | S. Kuzmanović, M. Stojanović- Krasić, D. Milović, M. Miletić, A. Radosavljević,G. Gligorić, A. Maluckov, M. Stepić |
Dupli unos, za brisanje
104 |
Modulation instability of two-dimensional dipolar bose-einstein condensate in a deep optical lattice
Acta Physica Polonica A , , 2009 M20 | M23 |
2009 | A. Wöllert, G. Gligorić, M.M. Škorić, A. Maluckov, N. Raičević, A. Daničić,and Lj. Hadžievski |
105 |
On bright and dark breathers in lattices with saturable nonlinearity
Acta Physica Polonica A , , 2007 M20 | M23 |
2007 | A. Maluckov, M. Stepić, Lj. Hadžievski |
106 |
Spatio-temporal evolution of two-plasmon decay in homogeneous plasma
Journal of Plasma Physics , / , 2010 M20 | M23 |
2010 | Д. Димитријевић, А. Малуцков |
107 |
Nonlinear Density Structures in Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates Trapped in Optical Lattices
9th Conference of the Society of Physicist of Macedonia , / , 2012 M30 | M32 |
2012 | Горан Глигорић, Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски, |
108 |
Soliton dynamics in one-dimensional waveguide arrays with saturable, self-defocusing nonlinearity
Symposium non-linear dynamics Milutin Milanković with multi and interdisciplinary applications SNDMIA 2012 , Београд , 2012 M30 | M32 |
2012 | M. Stepić, P. P. Beličev, A. Maluckov, I. Ilić, D. Kip, A. Kanshu, C. E. Rüter, V. Shandarov |
109 |
Strongly localized modes in one-dimensional photonic lattices with alternating couplings
XX International Symposium on Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy , Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina , 2011 M30 | M32 |
2011 | P. P. Beličev, A. Kanshu, I. Ilić, C. E. Rüter, G. Gligorić, A. Maluckov, D. Kip, M. Stepić |
Za izmenu
110 |
Light propagation management in complex photonic lattices
2015 Spatiotemporal Complexity in Nonlinear Optics, SCNO 2015 , Como, Italy , 2015 M30 | M33 |
2015 | A. Radosavljević, G. Gligorić, A. Maluckov, M. Stepić |
111 |
Monitoring of respiratory volumes by an long period grating sensor of bending
INERA Conference 2015: Light in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (LNN 2015); Journal of Physics: Conference Series , / , 2016 M30 | M33 |
2016 | Петра Беличев, Александра Малуцков, Јована Петровић, Марија Петровић, Невена Раичевић |
112 |
Multi-State Interferometer on an Atom Chip
AIS3 (Italian - Serbian Cooperation on Science, Technology and Humanities) meeting , / , 2016 M30 | M33 |
2016 | Горан Глигорић, Александра Малуцков, Јована Петровић, F. S. Cataliotti, C. Lovecchio, M. S. Cherukattil, P. Lombardi, L. Pezze, A. Smerzi |
113 |
Complexes of fundamental interface solitons in one-site coupled one-dimensional lattices
International School and Conference on Photonics PHOTONICA2011 , / , 2011 M30 | M34 |
2011 | Марија СтојановићКрасић, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски, Борис Маломед |
114 |
Estimation of the Sensitivity of a Multi-Parameter Fibre Grating Sensor
PHOTONICA2015, V International School and Conference on Photonics, Book of Abstracts , / , 2015 M30 | M34 |
2015 | М. Ивановић, N. Ilic Raicevic, П. Беличев, А. Малуцков, Ј. Петровић |
115 |
Extreme events in disordered nonlinear lattices
XXXII Dynamics Days Europe , / , 2012 M30 | M34 |
2012 | Giorgos Tsironis, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски, N. Lazarides |
116 |
From spatially periodic states with lattice periodicity to states with the double lattice period in Bose-Einstein condensates in an optical lattice
International School and Conference on Photonics PHOTONICA2011 , / , 2011 M30 | M34 |
2011 | Горан Глигорић, Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски |
Za izmenu
117 |
Interface soliton complexes in system with one-site linked two-dimentional lattices
International School and Conference on Photonics PHOTONICA2011 , / , 2011 M30 | M34 |
2011 | Горан Глигорић, Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Марија Петровић, Љупчо Хаџиевски |
118 |
Light propagation in cavity formed by nonlinear defect and interface between two different linear waveguide arrays
Advanced Photonics Congress , / , 2014 M30 | M34 |
2014 | Славица Кузмановић, Marija Stojanović Krasić, Daniela Milović, Ana Radosavljević, Goran Gligorićc, Aleksandra Maluckov, Milutin Stepić |
119 |
Modelling of light propagation in bi-periodic lithium niobate waveguide array
The 3rd International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices , / , 2012 M30 | M34 |
2012 | Петра Беличев, Игор Илић, Александра Малуцков, Милутин Степић, A. Kanshu, D. Kip |
Za izmenu
120 |
On Extreme Events in Nonlinear Disordered 1D Lattices
IX Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and XII Latin American Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications, 2016, Pucon, Chile , / , 2016 M30 | M34 |
2016 | А. Манчић, А. Малуцков |
121 |
Signatures of non-quenched disorder in the wave pattern's spreading in flat band geometries
VI International School and Conference on Photonics - PHOTONICA 2017, Book of Abstracts , / , 2017 M30 | M34 |
2017 | Г. Глигорић, А. Малуцков |
122 |
Soliton interactions in one-dimensional photonic lattices with alternating couplings and saturable defocusing nonlinearity
2nd Conference on Localized Excitations in Nonlinear Complex Systems , / , 2012 M30 | M34 |
2012 | Петра Беличев, Игор Илић, Александра Малуцков, Милутин Степић, A. Kanshu, D. Kip |
123 |
Towards the fully developed statistical approach of vector rogue waves
The Sixth Internatioinal School and Conference on Photonics, PHOTONICA2017 , / , 2017 M30 | M34 |
2017 | А. Манчић, А. Малуцков, F. Baronio, Љ. Хаџиевски, S. Wabintz |
124 |
Vortex complexes in 2D one-site coupled lattice systems
The 3rd International Conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices , / , 2012 M30 | M34 |
2012 | M. Stojanović, Марија Петровић, Горан Глигорић, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски, Б. Маломед |
Za izmenu
125 |
„Localized modes in two-dimensional “plus” lattice“
The seventh International School and Conference on Photonics „Photonica 2019“ , Belgrade, Serbia , 2019 M30 | M34 |
2019 | M. Stojanović Krasić, M. G. Stojanović, A. Maluckov and M. Stepić |
Za izmenu
126 |
Return Time Statistics of Extreme Events in Discrete Nonlinear Lattices
Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology , / , 2017 M50 | M51 |
2017 | А. Манчић, А. Малуцков |
127 |
Diskretne lokalizovane strukture u dipolarnim Boze-Ajnštajn kondenzatima
Četvrta radionica fotonike , / , 2011 M60 | M62 |
2011 | Горан Глигорић, Борис Маломед, Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски |
128 |
Characterization of Optical Sensors Using Fisher Information
8. Radionica Fotonike, knjiga apstrakata , / , 2015 M60 | M64 |
2015 | М. Ивановић, Ј. Петровић, N. Ilic Raicevic, А. Малуцков |
129 |
Koherentan transport svetlosti u optičkom vlaknu sa više spregnutih talasovoda
Sedma Radionica fotonike , / , 2014 M60 | M64 |
2014 | Александра Малуцков, Љупчо Хаџиевски, Sergei Turitsyn |
130 |
Light localization in two-dimensional Lieb lattices with alternating spacings and Kerr nonlinearity
Deseta radionica fotonike , Zbornik apstrakata, pp. 10-10 , / , 2017 M60 | M64 |
2017 | П. Беличев, Г. Глигорић, А. Радосављевић, А. Малуцков, М. Степић, M. Johansson |
Za izmenu
131 |
Nonlinear localized flat-band modes in pseudo-spinor diamond chain
Deseta radionica fotonike , Zbornik apstrakata , / , 2017 M60 | M64 |
2017 | Г. Глигорић, А. Малуцков, Љ. Хаџиевски, S. Flach, B. Malomed |
Za izmenu
132 |
Solitoni formirani na spoju dve lokalno-spregnute dvodimenzione optičke reštke
4. Radionica Fotonike, knjiga apstrakata , / , 2011 M60 | M64 |
2011 | М. Ивановић, Г. Глигорић, А. Малуцков, Љ. Хаџиевски, B. Malomed |
Za izmenu
133 |
Контрола простирања оптичког снопа кроз фотонске решетке
7. radionica fotonike , / , 2014 M60 | M64 |
2014 | Горан Глигорић, Александра Малуцков, Ана Радосављевић, Милутин Степић |
Za izmenu
134 |
Bend‑free multiarm interferometers on optical chips
Optical and Quantum Electronics , , 2022 M20 | M22 |
2022 | Jovana Petrovic, Aleksandra Maluckov, Nikola Stojanovic |
135 |
High-density optical interconnects based on self-imaging in coupled waveguide arrays
Optics & Laser Technology , , 2023 M20 | M21 |
2023 | J. Petrovic, J. Kršić, A. Maluckov, J.J.P. Veerman |
136 |
Nonlinearity and lasing topological zero-mode in distorted photonic lattice
Physics Letters A , , 2023 M20 | M22 |
2023 | Milica Nedić, Goran Gligorić, Jovana Petrovic, Aleksandra Maluckov |
137 |
Shaping the dynamics of aharonov-bohm caged localized modes by nonlinearity
Facta universitatis - series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology , , 2022 M50 | M51 |
2022 | Miljana G. Stojanovic, Ana Mancic, Milutin Stepic, Aleksandra Maluckov |
138 |
Dynamics of nonlinear Aharonov-Bohm caged compact localized modes in Dice lattice
15th Photonics Workshop, Kopaonik , Kopaonik, Serbia , 2022 M60 | M64 |
2022 | M. G. Stojanović, Ana Mančić, Milutin Stepić, Aleksandra Maluckov |
139 |
Localized modes in linear flux dressed two-dimensional plus lattice
16th Photonics Workshop, Kopaonik , Kopaonik, Serbia , 2023 M60 | M64 |
2023 | M. G. Stojanović, Ana Mančić, Milutin Stepić, Aleksandra Maluckov |
140 |
Optical interconnects and filters based on waveguide arrays
IX International School and Conference on Photonics "PHOTONICA2023" , Beograd, Srbija , 2023 M30 | M34 |
2023 | J. Krsic, M. Stojanovic, K. Bugarski, N. Stojanovic, A. Maluckov, P. Veerman, J. Petrovic |
141 |
Multiport splitters based on waveguide arrays
IX International School and Conference on Photonics "PHOTONICA2023" , Beograd, Srbija , 2023 M30 | M34 |
2023 | K. Bugarski, P. Vildoso, M. Stojanovic, A. Maluckov, G.Z. Mashanovich, R.A. Vicencio, J. Petrovic |
142 |
How close are integrable and nonintegrable models: A parametric case study based on the Salerno model
Physical Review E , , 2023 M20 | M21 |
2023 | Thudiyangal Mithun, Aleksandra Maluckov, Ana Mančić, Avinash Khare, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis |
143 |
Demultiplexers based on waveguide arrays
17th Photonics Workshop , Kopaonik, Serbia , 2024 M30 | M34 |
2024 | M. G. Stojanović, K. Bugarski, P. Vildoso, R. A. Vicencio, A. Maluckov, J. Petrović |
144 |
Compact Topological Edge States in Flux-Dressed Graphenelike Photonic Lattices
Physical Review Letters , , 2024 M20 | M21a |
2024 | Gabriel Cáceres-Aravena, Milica Nedić, Paloma Vildoso, Goran Gligorić, Jovana Petrovic, Aleksandra Maluckov, Rodrigo A. Vicencio |
145 |
Zero-mode diversity in photonic graphen with vortex distortion: nonlinear response and driving
Optical and Quantum Electronics , , 2024 M20 | M22 |
2024 | Milica Nedić, Goran Gligorić, Jovana Petrovic, Aleksandra Maluckov |
146 |
W-state generation and verification in linearly coupled waveguide arrays
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , , 2024 M20 | M23 |
2024 | Kolja Vladan Bugarski, Aleksandra Maluckov, Jovana S Petrovic |