
Nikola Novaković
Naučni savetnik
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Organizaciona jedinica:
Elektronska struktura hidrida alkalnih, zemnolkalnih i prelaznih metala
Fizika kondenzovanog stanja materije
Proračun elektronske strukture Laves faze HfFe2
Fizika (fizika čvrstog stanja)
Merenje vremena poluzivota pobudjenog stanja 241Am
Fizika (nuklearna fizika)
M faktor
Kategorija | Broj | Koeficijent | Ukupno |
Ukupno M faktor:
NI radovi
# | Naziv, Datum, Grupa, Vrsta | Godina | Autori | Status | |
1 |
Ab Initio Study of MgH2 Formation
Materials Science & Engineering B , , 2009 M20 | M21 |
2009 | N. Novaković, Lj. Matović, J. Grbović Novaković, M. Manasijević, N. Ivanović |
2 |
Catalytic activity of titania polymorphs towards desorption reaction of MgH2
, / , 2016 M20 | M21 |
2016 |
3 |
Comprehensive studies of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Zn0.95Co0.05O nanopowders
Materials Research Bulletin , , 2016 M20 | M21 |
2016 | Ivana Radisavljević, Nikola Novaković, Branko Matović, Novica Paunović, Mirjana Medić, Nenad Bundaleski, Velibor Andrić, Orlando M.N.D. Teodorov |
4 |
DFT study of boron doped MgH2: Bonding mechanism, hydrogen diffusion and desorption
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2019 M20 | M21 |
2019 | S. Kurko, B. Paskaš Mamula, J. Rmuš, J. Grbović Novaković, N. Novaković, |
5 |
Electronic aspects of formation and properties of local structures around Mn in Cd1−xMnxTe1−ySey
Materials Chemistry and Physics , , 2015 M20 | M21 |
2015 | Ivana Radisavljević, Nikola Novaković, Nebojša Romčević, Miodrag Mitrić, Bojana Kuzmanović, Slobodan Bojanić, Nenad Ivanović| |
6 |
Electronic Structure and Charge Distribution Topology of MgH2 doped with 3d Transition Metals
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , , 2014 M20 | M21 |
2014 | Bojana Paskas Mamula,Jasmina Grbovic Novakovic, Ivana Radisavljevic, Nenad Ivanovic, Nikola Novakovic |
7 |
First Principle Calculations of Alkali Hydride Electronic Structures
Journal of Physics: Condensed matter , , 2007 M20 | M21 |
2007 | N.Novaković, I.Radisavljević, D.Colognesi, S.Ostojić, N.Ivanović |
8 |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2013 M20 | M21 |
2013 | Igor Milanović, Sanja Milošević, Ljiljana Matović, Radojka Vujasin, Nikola Novaković, Riccardo Checchetto, Jasmina Grbović Novaković |
9 |
Hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 mechanically milled with alpha and beta SiC
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2011 M20 | M21 |
2011 | Sandra Kurko,Zeljka Raskovic, Nikola Novakovic, Bojana Paskas Mamula, Zoran Jovanovic, Zvezdana Bascarevic, Jasmina Grbovic Novakovic, Ljiljana Matovic |
10 |
Influence of Cr and Ni doping on PbTe local structural properties
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics , , 2015 M20 | M21 |
2015 | I. Radisavljević, N.Novaković, H.-E.Mahnke, N.Romčević, M. Slankamenac, D. Sekulić, N. Ivanović |
11 |
Influence of defects on Mg-based hydrides stability and hydrogen sorption behavior
ChemPhysChem , , 2019 M20 | M21 |
2019 | 2. J. Grbović Novaković, N. Novaković, S. Kurko, S. Milošević Govedarović, T. Pantić, B. Paskaš Mamula, K. Batalović, J. Radaković, J. Rmuš, M. Shelyapina, N. Skryabina, P. de Rango and D. Fruchart |
12 |
Investigation of Surface and Near-surface Effects on Hydrogen Desorption Properties of MgH2
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2013 M20 | M21 |
2013 | Sandra Kurko, Igor Milanović, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Nenad Ivanović, Nikola Novaković |
13 |
Ion Beam Induced Nanosized Ag Metal Clusters in Glass
Nuclear instruments and methods B , , 2006 M20 | M21 |
2006 | H-E Mahnke, B. Schattat, P. Schubert-Bischoff, N. Novakovic |
14 |
Lattice distortion around impurity atoms as dopants in CdTe
Thin solid films , , 2005 M20 | M21 |
2005 | H.E.Mahnke, H.Haas, E.Holub-Krappe, V.Koteski, N.Novaković |
15 |
Magnetic properties, Mössbauer effect and first principle calculations study of laves phase HfFe
European physical journal B , , 2006 M20 | M21 |
2006 | J. Belosevic-Cavor, V. Koteski, N. Novakovic, G. Concas, F. Congiu and G. Spano |
16 |
Microstructure and hydrogen storage properties of MgH2-TiB2 -SiC composites
Ceramics International , , 2013 M20 | M21 |
2013 | Igor Milanović, Sanja Milošević, Željka Rašković-Lovre, Nikola Novaković, Radojka Vujasin, Ljiljana Matović, Jose Francisco Fernández, Carlos Sánchez, Jasmina Grbović Novaković |
17 |
Nanostructured materials for solid-state hydrogen storage: A review of the achievement of COST Action MP1103
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2016 M20 | M21 |
2016 | Elsa Callini, Kondo-Francois Aguey-Zinsou, Rajeev Ahuja, Josè Ramon Ares, Sara Bals, Nikola Biliškov, Sudip Chakraborty, Georgia Charalambopoulou, Anna-Lisa Chaudhary, Fermin Cuevas, Bernard Dam, Petra de Jongh, Martin Dornheim, Yaroslav Filinchuk, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Michael Hirscher, Torben R. Jensen, Peter Bjerre Jensen, Nikola Novaković, Qiwen Lai, Fabrice Leardini, Daniele Mirabile Gattia, Luca Pasquini, Theodore Steriotis,Stuart Turner, Tejs Vegge, Andreas Züttel, Amelia Montone |
18 |
Possibilities for tuning electronic and optical properties of oligophenylenes by selected chemical influences
Optical materials , , 2008 M20 | M21 |
2008 | Ivana Radisavljevic, Dragan Marjanovic, Nikola Novakovic, Miodrag Manasijevic, Nenad Ivanovic |
19 |
Recent progress on the development of high entropy alloys (HEAs) for solid hydrogen storage: A review
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2022 M20 | M21 |
2022 | Fusheng Yang, Jing Wang, Yang Zhang, Zhen Wu, Zaoxiao Zhang, Fengqi Zhao, Jacques Huot, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, NikolaNovaković |
20 |
Structural aspects of changes induced in PbTe by doping with Mn, in and Ga
Journal of Materials Science , , 2013 M20 | M21 |
2013 | Radisavljević, I., Ivanović, N., Novaković, N., Romčević, N., Mitrić, M., Andrić, V., Mahnke, H.-E. |
21 |
Ab Initio Calculations of MgH2, MgH2:Ti And MgH2:Co Compounds
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2010 M20 | M21a |
2010 | N.Novaković, J.Grbovic Novakovic, Lj. Matović, I.Radisavljevic, M. Manasijevic, B.P. Mamula, N. Ivanović |
22 |
Ab-initio study of hydrogen mobility in the vicinity of MgH2-Mg interface: the role of Ti and TiO2
Journal of Alloys and Compounds , , 2016 M20 | M21a |
2016 | Radojka Vujasin, Jasmina Grbovic Novakovic, Nikola Novakovic, Simone Giuseponi, Massimo Celino |
23 |
Changes in hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 induced by boron ion irradiation
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2011 M20 | M21a |
2011 | Sandra Kurko, Ljiljana Matovic, Nikola Novakovic, Branko Matovic, Zoran Jovanovic, Bojana Paskas Mamula, Jasmina Grbovic Novakovic |
24 |
Changes of hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 induced by heavy ion irradiation
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2008 M20 | M21a |
2008 | J.Grbović Novaković, Lj.Matović, M.Drvendžija, N.Novaković, D.Rajnović, M.Šiljegović, Z.Kačarević Popović, S.Milovanović, N.Ivanović |
25 |
Cluster Approach to the Ti2Ni Structure Type
Acta Crystallographica B - Structural Science , , 2006 M20 | M21a |
2006 | N. Ivanovic, D.Rodic, V.Koteski, I. Radisavljevic, N.Novakovic, D.Marjanovic, M.Manasijevic, S.Koicki |
26 |
Electronic aspects of formation and properties of local structures around Mn in Cd1-xMnxTe1-ySey
Materials Chemistry and Physics , , 2015 M20 | M21a |
2015 | I. Radisavljević, N. Novaković, N. Romčević, M. Mitrić, B. Kuzmanović, S. Bojanić, N. Ivanović |
Za izmenu
27 |
Fast hydrogen sorption from MgH2–VO2(B) composite materials
Journal of power sources , , 2016 M20 | M21a |
2016 | Sanja Milošević, Sandra Kurko, Luca Pasquini, Ljiljana Matović, Radojka Vujasin, Nikola Novaković, Jasmina Grbović Novaković |
28 |
In situ desorption of magnesium hydride irradiated and non-irradiated thin films: Relation to optical properties
, / , 2016 M20 | M21a |
2016 | Ж. Рашковић Ловре, Сандра Курко, Ненад Ивановић, J. Fernandez, Jose-Ramon Ares, С. Штурм, T. Mongstad, Никола Новаковић, Ј. Грбовић Новаковић |
29 |
Structural destabilisation of MgH2 obtained by heavy ion irradiation
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2009 M20 | M21a |
2009 | Lj. Matović; N.Novaković; S. Kurko; M. Šiljegović; B. Matović; N. Romčević; Z. Kačarević- Popović; N.Romčević; N. Ivanović; J. Grbovic Novakovic |
30 |
Structural stability and local electronic properties of some EC synthesized magnetite nanopowders
Journal of Alloys and Compounds , , 2017 M20 | M21a |
2017 | I. Radisavljević, B. Kuzmanović, N. Novaković, H.-E. Mahnke, L. Vuličević, S.Kurko, N. Ivanović |
31 |
Structural stability of some CsCl structure Hf-TM (TM = Co, Rh, Ru, Fe) compounds
Intermetallics , , 2006 M20 | M21a |
2006 | N. Novaković, N. Ivanović, V. Koteski, I. Radisavljević, J. Belošević-Čavor, B. Cekić |
32 |
Survey of electronic properties and local structures around Fe in selected multinary chalcogenides
2019 | I. Radisavljević, N. Novaković, H.-E. Mahnke, V. Andrić, S. Kurko, D. Milivojević, N. Romčević, N. Ivanović |
33 |
XAFS studies of ytterbium doped lead-telluride
Journal of Alloys and Compounds , , 2010 M20 | M21a |
2010 | I. Radisavljević, N. Novaković, N. Romčević, M. Manasijević, H.-E. Mahnke, N. Ivanović |
34 |
Hyperfine spectroscopic study of Laves phase HfFe2
J. of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , , 2004 M20 | M22 |
2004 | J. Belošević-Čavor, N. Novaković, B. Cekić, N. Ivanović, M. Manasijević |
35 |
Massbauer effect and first principle calculations of the electronic structure and hyperfine interations parameters of Hf2Fe
J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids , , 2005 M20 | M22 |
2005 | J.Belošević-Čavor, V.Koteski, G.Goncas, B.Cekić, N.Novaković, G.Spano |
36 |
Survey of Electronic and Local Structural Properties of Cd1−xCoxSe1−yTe(S)y by XAFS
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan , , 2022 M20 | M22 |
2022 | Ivana Radisavljević, Nikola Novaković, Heinz-Eberhard Mahnke, Nebojša Romčević, Miodrag Mitrić, Bojana Kuzmanović and Nenad Ivanović |
37 |
X–ray absorption near edge structure studies of Pb1-xMnxTe(In, Ga) systems
International Journal of Materials Research (formerly Z. Metallkd.) , , 2013 M20 | M22 |
2013 | I. Radisavljević, N. Novaković, H.–E. Mahnke, N. Romčević, M. Medić, B. Paskaš–Mamula, N. Ivanović |
38 |
Bonding mechanism of some simple ionic systems: Bader topological analysis of some alkali halides and hydrides revisited
Physica B: Condensed Matter , , 2018 M20 | M23 |
2018 | Paskaš Mamula, B., Kuzmanović, B., Ilić, M.M., Ivanović, N., Novaković, N. |
39 |
Calculations of Molecular Structures and Processes Important for Hydrogen Behaviour in the Li-Amide/Imide System
ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA , , 2011 M20 | M23 |
2011 | Ivanovic, N.; Radisavljevic, I.; Novakovic, N.; Manasijevic, M.; Colognesi, D. |
40 |
Concentration and Temperature Stability of some Structural and Magnetic Phases in the Hf-Fe System
Mat. Sci. Forum , , 2003 M20 | M23 |
2003 | J. Cavor, N. Ivanovic, D. Babic, V. Andric, N. Novakovic, I. Radisavljevic, B. Cekic, M.Manasijevic, Z. Milosevic |
41 |
Electric field gradients at Hf And Fe sites In Hf2Fe Recalculated
Hiperfine interations , , 2004 M20 | M23 |
2004 | J.Belošević-Čavor, B.Cekić, N.Novaković, V.Koteski, Z.Milošević |
42 |
Electronic principles of some trends in properties of metallic hydrides
International Journal of Modern Physics B , , 2010 M20 | M23 |
2010 | N. Ivanović, N. Novaković, D. Colognesi, I. Radisavljević, S. Ostojić |
43 |
Experimental and theoretical investigation of hydrogen storage in Magnesium based composites
Mater. Sci. Forum , , 2007 M20 | M23 |
2007 | J. G. Novakovic, T. Brdaric, N. Novakovic, Lj. Matovic, S. Mentus, and A. Montone |
44 |
Experimental verification of calculated lattice relaxations around impurities in CdTe
Hyperfine Interactions , , 2004 M20 | M23 |
2004 | H.E.Mahnke, H.Haas, V.Koteski, N.Novakovic, P.Fochuk, O.Panchuk |
45 |
Influence of annealing on structure and magnetic properties of laves phase HfFe2
Mat. Sci. Forum , , 2004 M20 | M23 |
2004 | J. Belošević-Čavor, B.Cekić, N. Novaković, N.Ivanović, M.Manasijević, |
46 |
Ispitivanje promena desorpcionih osobina MgH2 nastalih bombardovanjem teškim jonima
Hemijska industrija , , 2010 M20 | M23 |
2010 | 5. Sandra V. Kurko, Ljiljana Lj. Matović, Nikola B. Novaković, Snežana S. Nenadović, Zoran m. Jovanović, Nenad B. Ivanović, Jasmina D. Grbović Novaković |
47 |
Local Structures In Pb1-XMnxTe Systems
X-Ray Spectrometry , , 2007 M20 | M23 |
2007 | I. Radisavljević, N. Ivanović, N. Novaković, N. Romčević, H.-E. Mahnke, |
48 |
Lowest Energy Structures and Electronic Properties of Small Molybdenum Clusters
Mat Sci Forum , , 2005 M20 | M23 |
2005 | V. Koteski, B.Cekic, N.Novakovic, J.Belosevic-Cavor |
49 |
Nature of Magnetism in HfCo2 Laves Phase
Mat. Sci. Forum , , 2005 M20 | M23 |
2005 | J. Belosevic- Cavor, N. Novakovic, B.Cekic, V. Koteski |
50 |
Structural, Electronic and Optical properties of Some Olygo-Phenylenes
Mat. Sci. Forum , , 2007 M20 | M23 |
2007 | I. Radisavljevic, D. Marjanovic, N. Novakovic, N. Ivanovic |
51 |
The Influence of Boron Doping Concentration on MgH2 Electronic Structure
Acta Physica Polonica , , 2011 M20 | M23 |
2011 | S. Kurko, B. Paskaš-Mamula, Lj. Matovic, J. Grbovic Novakovic, N. Novakovic |
52 |
Physica B: Condensed Matter , , 2009 M20 | M23 |
2009 | I. Radisavljević, N. Novaković, N. Ivanović, N. Romčević, M. Manasijević, H.-E. Mahnke |
53 |
DFT Calculations to Study Hydrogen Localization and Diffusion in Disordered Bcc Ti-V-Cr Alloys
Solid State Phenomena , , 2019 M20 | M24 |
2019 | O.O. Bavrina, M.G. Shelyapina, D. Fruchart and N. Novaković |
54 |
Electronic Principles of Hydrogen Incorporation and Dynamics in Metal Hydrides
Crystals , , 2012 M20 | M24 |
2012 | Nenad Ivanović, Nikola Novaković, Ivana Radisavljević, Ljijana Matović and Jasmina Grbović Novaković |
55 |
Local and electronic structure around manganese in Cd0.98Mn0.02Te0.97Se0.03 studied by XAFS
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , , 2013 M20 | M24 |
2013 | Ivana Radisavljevic Nikola Novaković N. Romčević N. Ivanović |
56 |
Preface: The 3rd International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (mESC-IS2018)
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2020 M20 | M28b |
2020 | Nikola Novaković, Sandra Kurko, Jasmina Grbović Novaković |
57 |
1. T. Pantić, K. Žagar Soderžnik, S. Šturm, S. Drev, A. Mit Microstrusture and thermal behavior of Mg-V thin films for solid state hydrogen storage,
1. T. Pantić, K. Žagar Soderžnik, S. Šturm, S. Drev, A. Mitrović, S. Kurko, B. Paskaš Mamula, N. Novaković, J. Grbović Novaković, S. MilošeMCM2019, 14th Multinational Congress on Microscopy, , Belgrade, Serbia, , 2019 M30 | M33 |
2019 | T. Pantić, K. Žagar Soderžnik, S. Šturm, S. Drev, A. Mitrović, S. Kurko, B. Paskaš Mamula, N. Novaković, J. Grbović Novaković, S. Milošević Govedarović, |
58 |
Benchmark of the CPMD code on the CRESCO clusters in ENEAGRID environment
High performance computing on CRESCO infrastructure: research activities and results 2013 , / , 2014 M30 | M33 |
2014 | Р. Вујасин, Ј. Грбовић Новаковић, Н. Новаковић, S. Giuspponi, M. Celino, A. Montone |
59 |
Calculations Of Properties Of Benzene And Oligophenylenes Under External Pressure
the 6th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, 9-12 May, 2007v , , 2007 M30 | M33 |
2007 | I.Radisavljević, D. Marjanović, N. Novaković, N. Ivanović |
60 |
Changes structures and properties of OlygoPhenylenes under selected external influeces
Materials science forum , , 2010 M30 | M33 |
2010 | 21. I. Radisavljevic, D. Marjanovic, N. Novakovic, N. Ivanovic |
61 |
Changes of hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 induced by boron ion irradiation
XI International Conference HYDROGEN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND CHEMISTRY OF CARBON NANOMATERIALS (ICHMS 2009) , Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine , 2009 M30 | M33 |
2009 | Sandra Kumrić, Ljiljana Matović, Nikola Novaković, Milorad Šiljegović, Zoran Jovanović, Zorica Kačarević-Popović, Jasmina Grbović Novaković |
62 |
Electrochemical sensors based on pyrophilite
MCM2019, 14th Multinational congress on microscopy, September 15-20, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia , , 2019 M30 | M33 |
2019 | A.Mitrovic, T.Pantic, S.Dimitrijevic, A.Ivanovic, N.Novakovic, S.Kurko, S.Milosevic Govedarovic, J.Grbovic Novakovic |
63 |
EXAFS studies of Ga doped Pb1-xMnxTe
6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU-6), Istambul, Turckey, August 22-26., 2006 , , 2006 M30 | M33 |
2006 | Radisavljević, N. Ivanović, N. Novaković, N.Romčević, H.-E.Mahnke |
64 |
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Hydrogen Storage in Magnesium Based Composites
Magterials Science Forum , , 2010 M30 | M33 |
2010 | J. Grbović-Novaković, T. Brdarić, N. Novaković, Lj. Matović, A. Montone, S. Mentus |
65 |
4th International Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference (YUNSC-2002) , Beograd , 2002 M30 | M33 |
2002 | N.Novaković, J. Belošević-Čavor, B.Cekić, M.Manasijević and Z.Milošević |
66 |
Hydrogen desorption from vacant MgH2
12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry 2014, 22-26.09.2014, Belgrade, Serbia , , 2014 M30 | M33 |
2014 | S. Kurko, R. Vujasin, A. Ðukic, B. Paskaš Mamula, J. Grbovic Novakovic, N. Novakovic |
67 |
Hydrogen diffusion in rutile TiO2
High performance computing on CRESCO insfrastructure: research activities and results 2013 , / , 2014 M30 | M33 |
2014 | Р. Вујасин, Ј. Грбовић Новаковић, S. Giuspponi, Н. Новаковић |
68 |
Hydrogen diffusion in surface area of TiO2
1st Workshop on Materials Science for Energy Related Aplications, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, and 12th International Conference on Fundamental and Aplied Aspects of Physical Chemistry , Belgrade , 2014 M30 | M33 |
2014 | R. Vujasin, B. Paskaš Mamula, I. Milanović, J. Grbović Novaković, N. Novaković |
Za izmenu
69 |
Hydrogen interaction with TiO2 surface
High Performance Computing on CRESCO infrastructure: research activities and results 2016 , , 2017 M30 | M33 |
2017 | R. Vujasin, B. Paskaš Mamula, J. Grbović Novaković, N. Novaković |
70 |
Hydrogen sorption properties of MgH2 based hydrides doped with SiC, TiB2 and LiALH4
1st Workshop on Materials Science for Energy Related Aplications, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia, and 12th International Conference on Fundamental and Aplied Aspects of Physical Chemistry , , 2014 M30 | M33 |
2014 | I. Milanović, R. Vujasin, Lj, Matović, A. Đukić, B. Paskaš Mamula, J. Grbović Novaković, N. Novaković |
71 |
Hydrogen Storage in Maegnsium Based Alloys
French-Serbian European Summer University: renewable Energy Sources AND Enviroment Multidisciplinary Aspect, 2007 , , 2007 M30 | M33 |
2007 | J.Grbović Novaković, T. Brdarić, N.Novaković, S.Mentus |
72 |
HASYLAB Annual Report 2011 , , 2011 M30 | M33 |
2011 | Ivana Radisavljević, Nikola Novaković, Nebojša Romčević, Miodrag Manasijević, Heinz Eberhard Mahnke, Nenad Ivanović |
73 |
Lattice distortion around impurity atoms dopants in CdTe
E-MRS 2004,Symposium O-1238, Strasbourg, France, 26-30 May 2004 , , 2004 M30 | M33 |
2004 | H.E,Mahnke, H.Haas, E Holub-Krappe, N. Novakovic, P.Fochuk, O.Panchuk |
74 |
Local and electronic structure around manganese in Cd0.98Mn0.02Te0.97Se0.03 studied by XAFS
Journal of Physics: Conference Series , , 2013 M30 | M33 |
2013 | 14. I. Radisavljević, N. Novaković, N.Romčević, N. Ivanović |
75 |
Metal Doped Rutile TiO2 as Electrode in DSSC
High performance computing on CRESCO insfrastructure: research activities and results 2014 , , 2015 M30 | M33 |
2015 | N. Novaković, R. Vujasin, B. Paskaš Mamula, J. Grbović Novaković |
76 |
Microstructure and morphology of natural clay minerals
Proceedings of 10th Multinational Congress on Microscopy 2011 (MCM 2011) , / , 2011 M30 | M33 |
2011 | Ј. Грбовић Новаковић, Анђелка Ђукић, Б. Паскаш Мамула, Никола Новаковић, Љиљана Матовић, Љ. Вулићевић, Ненад Ивановић |
77 |
Microstructure and thermal behaviour of Mg-V thin films for solid state hydrogen storage
MCM2019, 14th Multinational congress on microscopy, September 15-20, 2019, Belgrade, Serbia , , 2019 M30 | M33 |
2019 | T.Pantic, K.Zagar-Soderznik, S.Sturm, S.Drev, A.Mitrovic, S.Kurko, B.Paskas Mamula, N.Novakovic, J.Grbovic Novakovic, I.Milanovic, S.Milosevic Govedarovic |
78 |
Nanostructurated reactive hydrides for hydrogen storage
Proceedings of Meeting of Italian-Serbian Cooperation on Science, Technology and Humanities , Belgrade , 2015 M30 | M33 |
2015 | I. Milanović, S. Milošević, Lj. Matović, R. Vujasin, N. Novaković, B. Paskaš Mamula, A. Đukić, B. Kuzmanović, S. Kurko, R. Checchetto, J. Grbović Novaković |
79 |
Near-surface hydrogen dynamics in titania
12th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry 2014, 22-26.09.2014, Belgrade, Serbia , , 2014 M30 | M33 |
2014 | R. Vujasin, B.P. Mamula, I.Milanovic, J. Grbovic Novakovic, N. Novakovic |
80 |
Te measurement of the activity oh the heavy elements by x ray spectrometry
4th International Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference (YUNSC-2002), Belgrade 30.September – 4. October, 2002 , , 2002 M30 | M33 |
2002 | Z.Milosević, B.Cekić, M.Manasijević, J. Belošević-Čavor, N.Novaković |
81 |
YUNSC 2000 (III Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference) , Belgrade , 2000 M30 | M33 |
2000 | B.Cekić, N.Ivanović, I.Radisavljević, J.Čavor, M.Manasijević, S.Koički, N.Novaković |
82 |
High Performance Computing on CRESCO infrastructure: research activities and results 2018 , , 2019 M30 | M33 |
2019 | Sandra Kurko, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Jelena Rmuš, Jasmina Grbović Novaković and Nikola Novaković |
83 |
The influence of TiO2 and Ti dopants on the hydrogen mobility through MgH2-Mg interface
High Performance Computing on CRESCO infrastructure: research activities and results, 2015 , , 2016 M30 | M33 |
2016 | Radojka Vujasin, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Nikola Novaković, Giusepponi Simone, Celino Massimo |
84 |
The study of nanodispersed composites MgH2-Ti: experiment and theory
8th International Conference on fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Belgrade 2006 , , 2006 M30 | M33 |
2006 | T.Brdarić, J.Grbović Novaković, N.Novaković, S.Mentus |
85 |
Theoretical investigation of Mg-MgH2 interface doped with Ti and TiO2
High performance computing on CRESCO insfrastructure: research activities and results 2014 , / , 2015 M30 | M33 |
2015 | Р. Вујасин, S. Giuspponi, Ј. Грбовић Новаковић, Н. Новаковић, M. Celino |
86 |
Fifth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union BPU-5 , V. Banja , 2003 M30 | M33 |
2003 | B. Cekić, J. Belošević-Čavor, N. Ivanović, N. Novaković |
87 |
Ab initio approach to the metal-hydrogen systems
Workshop of French, Croatian and Serbian Researchers on Hydrogen Storage and Energy Related Materials, Belgrade, Serbia , , 2016 M30 | M34 |
2016 | Sandra Kurko, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Igor Milanović, Nenad Ivanović, Nikola Novaković |
88 |
Ab initio study of optical properties of substoichiometric MgH2
The 3rd International conference of the physics of optical materials and devices, 2012 , / , 2012 M30 | M34 |
2012 |
89 |
An ab initio study of Mg-H phase diagram
The book of abstract of 1st Conference of the Serbian Ceramic Society , / , 2011 M30 | M34 |
2011 |
90 |
HYDEM2016 HYDRIDES AS ENERGY MATERIALS, Arrhaus University of Aarhaus, Denmark, , / , 2016 M30 | M34 |
2016 |
91 |
Bonding nature in Mg doped ZnO system - charge density topology approach
Solid-State Science & Research Meeting, 27-29 June 2019, Zagreb , , 2019 M30 | M34 |
2019 | S. T. Jelić N. Novaković Z. Branković G. Branković |
92 |
Combined effects of mechanical milling and addition of WO3 on hydrogen desorption from MgH2
3rd Int. Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion mESC-IS 2018, Belgrade, Serbia , , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | Tijana Pantić, Nenad Filipović, Sandra Kurko, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Nikola Novaković, Sanja Milošević Govedarović. |
93 |
DFT study of hydrogen desorption properties of boron doped MgH2
2nd International Meeting on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications, Belgrade, Serbia , , 2016 M30 | M34 |
2016 | Sandra Kurko, Radojka Vujasin, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Nikola Novaković |
94 |
Effects of vacancies on hydrogen desorption properties of MgH2
1st Workshop on Materials Science for Energy Related Applications,26–27 September 2014 BELGRADE , , 2014 M30 | M34 |
2014 | S. Kurko, R. Vujasin, Lj. Matović, A. Đukić, B. Paskaš Mamula, J. Grbović Novaković, N. Novaković |
95 |
Electronic structure and charge topology study of alkali hydrides
The joint event of the 11th Young Researchers’ Conference: Materials Science and Engineering and the 1st European Early Stage Researchers’ Conference on Hydrogen Storage, Program and the Book of Abstracts , / , 2012 M30 | M34 |
2012 |
96 |
Electronic Structure of Alkali Hydrides Revisited
Workshop of French, Croatian and Serbian Researchers on Hydrogen Storage and Energy Related Materials, Belgrade, Serbia , , 2016 M30 | M34 |
2016 | Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Nenad Ivanović, Nikola Novaković |
97 |
FeF3 assisted dehydrogenation of MgH2 and LiAlH4
mESC-IS 2018, 3rd International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion , , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | S.Kurko, S.Milosevic Govedarovic, Rango, S.Rivoirard, N.Novakovic, J.Grbovic Novakovic, D.Fruchart |
98 |
Hydrogen - rutile TiO2 (110) surface interaction
Hands-on Tutorial Workshop 2011 on ab initio Molecular Simulations, Towards a First-Principles Understanding of Materials Properties and Functions , / , 2011 M30 | M34 |
2011 |
99 |
Hydrogen desorption for Mg/MgH2 modified thin films
International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, SCTE’2018, Vienna (Austria), March 25-29, 2018 , , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Sandra Kurko, Sanja Milošević Govedarović, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Tijana Pantić, Radojka Vujasin, Nikola Novaković |
100 |
Hydrogen in Mg-V thin films: TOF-ERDA characterization
mESC-IS 2019, 4th International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion, Akyaka, Mugla, Turkey , , 2019 M30 | M34 |
2019 | T.Pantic, B.Paskas Mamula, S. MIlosevic Govedarovic, S.Kurko, J.Grbovic Novakovic and N.Novakovic |
101 |
Impact of TiO2 on hydrogen sorption behaviuor in Mg-MgH2 system
1st Workshop of French, Croatian and Serbian Researchers on Hydrogen Storage and Energy Related Materials, , Belgrade, Serbia , 2016 M30 | M34 |
2016 | Radojka Vujasin, Simone Giusepponi, Massimo Celino, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Nikola Novaković |
102 |
Impact of TiO2 on hydrogen sorption behaviuоr in Mg-MgH2 system
Workshop of French, Croatian and Serbian Researchers on Hydrogen Storage and Energy Related Materials , / , 2016 M30 | M34 |
2016 |
Dupli unos, za brisanje
103 |
Improvement of Hydrogen Storage Properties of MgH2 by Formation of MgH2-SiC Nanocomposite
11th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences, Book of abstracts , / , 2010 M30 | M34 |
2010 |
104 |
Improvement of hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 by α and β -SiC
The book of abstract of 1st Conference of the Serbian Ceramic Society , / , 2011 M30 | M34 |
2011 |
105 |
Improvement of hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 by α and β SiC
The Twelfth Annual Conference, YUCOMAT 2010, The Book of Abstracts , / , 2010 M30 | M34 |
2010 |
106 |
Improvement of Hydrogen Storage Properties of MgH2-SiC Accepted abstract
International conference of microscopy IMC 17, Rio de Jenairo, Brasil, september 19-24, 2010 , , 2010 M30 | M34 |
2010 | Lj. Matovic, S. Kurko, Z.Raskovic, Z.Bascarevic, N.Novakovic and J. Grbovic Novakovic |
107 |
Influence of light ion irradiation on MgH2 dehydrogenation
Workshop of French, Croatian and Serbian Researchers on Hydrogen Storage and Energy Related Materials , / , 2016 M30 | M34 |
2016 | Сандра Курко, Сања Милошевић, И. Милановић, Никола Новаковић, Радојка Вујасин, Ј. Грбовић Новаковић |
108 |
Interaction of boron with MgH2 host matrix and its influence on hydrogen diffusion
Solid-State Science & Research Meeting, Zagreb, Croatia , , 2017 M30 | M34 |
2017 | Sandra Kurko, Radojka Vujasin, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Nikola Novaković |
109 |
Interaction of amidoborane molecular chains with alkali metals: a theoretical study
3rd International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion - mESC-IS , Belgrade , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Igor Milanović, Bojana Kuzmanović, Nikola Biliškov, Nikola Novaković |
Za izmenu
110 |
Interaction of oxide ceramics with metal hydrides
The Seventh Serbian Ceramic Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application , Belgrade, Serbia , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | N. Novaković, S. Milošević Govedarović, B. Paskaš Mamula, S. Kurko, T. Pantić, M. Medić Ilić, J. Grbović Novaković |
111 |
Investigation of nucleation process in MgH2 thin films
The joint event of The Eleventh Young Researchers’ Conference Materials Science and Engineering and The First European Early Stage Researchers’ Conference on Hydrogen Storage , / , 2012 M30 | M34 |
2012 |
112 |
Iron based compounds as other d-elements activating the hydrogen sorption properties of magnesium
mESC-IS 2018, 3rd International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion , , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | D.Fruchart, N.Skryabina, Rango, M.Shelyapina, J.Grbovic Novakovic, N.Novakovic, S.Kurko |
113 |
Kinetic mechanism of MgH2-VO2(B) desorption
mESC-IS 2018, 3rd International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion , , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | S.Milosevic Govedarovic, l.Pasquini, T.Pantic, A.Djukic, N.Novakovic, S.Kurko, J.Grbovic Novakovic |
114 |
Local and electronic structure around manganese in multi-component semiconductors
The joint event of the 11th Young Researchers’ Conference: Materials Science and Engineering and the 1st European Early Stage Researchers’ Conference on Hydrogen Storage, Program and the Book of Abstracts , / , 2012 M30 | M34 |
2012 |
115 |
Local structural distortions in doped lead tellurides and their thermal evolution
Emerging synchrotron techniques for characterization of energy materials and devices, EPN Science Campus, Grenoble, France 23-25 September 2019 , , 2019 M30 | M34 |
2019 | I.Radisavljevic, N.Ivanovic, N.Novakovic, N.Romcevic |
116 |
Local Structure In Multicomponent Semiconductors – Experiment and Theory
The 2nd Workshop of French, Croatian and Serbian Researchers on Hydrogen Storage and Energy Related Materials, Belgrade, Serbia , , 2017 M30 | M34 |
2017 | I.Radisavljević, N, Novaković, M. Medić, N. Ivanović |
117 |
Mg-V-H air exposed thin films for solid state hydrogen storage upon hydrogen Irradiation
3rd International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion - mESC-IS 2018, , Belgrade, Serbia , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | Tijana Pantić, Sanja Milošević Govedarović, Nikola Novaković, Patricia de Rango, Daniel Fruchart, Jose Ramon Ares Fernandez, Maja Buljan, Sandra Kurko Jasmina Grbović Novaković |
118 |
MgH2+VO2(B) for solid state hydrogen storage
1st Workshop of French, Croatian and Serbian Researchers on Hydrogen Storage and Energy Related Materials, , Belgrade, Serbia , 2016 M30 | M34 |
2016 | Sanja Milošević, Sandra Kurko, Igor Milanović, Nikola Novaković, Luca Pasquini, Jasmina Grbović Novaković |
119 |
MgH2:B Nanocomposite for hydrogen storage: Ab Initio Calculations and Experiment
International Symposium '' Metal-Hydrogen Systems. Fundamentals and Application , / , 2010 M30 | M34 |
2010 |
120 |
9th Int. Symposium Hydrogen&Energy Emmetten , Switzerland , 2015 M30 | M34 |
2015 | B. Paskaš Mamula, J. Grbović Novaković, B. Kuzmanović, N. Ivanović, N. Novaković |
Dupli unos, za brisanje
121 |
Near-surface hydrogen diffusion in TiO2
EMRS Fall meeting 2013- FALL 13C: Nanostructured Materials for solid state hydrogen storage , / , 2013 M30 | M34 |
2013 |
122 |
Novel Approach to Dopant Tretment in Electronic Structure Calculations – a Case Study of Mg-doped Zinc Oxide
5th Conference of The Serbian Society for Ceramic Materials, 5CSCS-2019, June 11-13, Belgrade Serbia , , 2019 M30 | M34 |
2019 | Stefan T. Jelic, Nikola Novakovic, Zorica Brankovic, Goran Brankovic |
123 |
Possible paths of hydrogen diffusion in TiO2 – role of the surface
Joint event of the 11th Young Researchers’ Conference: Materials Science and Engineering and the 1st European Early Stage Researchers’ Conference on Hydrogen Storage, Book of abstract , Belgrade , 2012 M30 | M34 |
2012 | Radojka Vujasin, Igor Milanović, Sandra Kurko, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Nikola Novaković |
124 |
Properties of charge density topology of simple and transition metal doped metal hydrides - characterization of bond nature and stability
2018 EMRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 18-22.6.2018, Sympoisum B , , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Nenad Ivanović, Nikola Novaković |
125 |
Role of Boron Doping on MgH2 Hydrogen Surface Sorption Properties
Hands-on Tutorial Workshop 2011 on ab initio Molecular Simulations, Towards a First-Principles Understanding of Materials Properties and Functions , / , 2011 M30 | M34 |
2011 |
126 |
Structural changes in MoS2 induced by hydrogen ion irradiation
mESC-IS 2018, 3rd International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion , , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | J.Rmus, S.Milosevic Govedarovic, A.Mrakovic, D.Rajnovic, N.Novakovic, J.Grbovic Novakovic, S.Kurko |
127 |
Structural Investigations of Quaternary Fe-based ZnTeSe Semiconductors
International conference of microscopy IMC 17, Rio de Jenairo, Brasil, september 19-24, 2010 , , 2010 M30 | M34 |
2010 | Ivana Milovan Radisavljevic, Nikola Novakovic, Nenad Ivanovic, Nebojsa Romcevic and Heinz-Eberhard Mahnke |
128 |
Synthesis and hydrogen storage properties of Mg-V-H thin films
2nd International symposium of Energy storage and conversion, mESC-IS 2017, 26-28.9.2017, Cappadocia, Turkey , , 2017 M30 | M34 |
2017 | Jasmina Grbovic Novakovic, Sandra Kurko, Sanja Milosevic, Nikola Novakovic, Nikola Biliskov, Davor Galonja and Maja Buljan |
129 |
TEM analysis of irradiated and non irradiated MgH2 thin films
18th international microscopy congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-12.09.2014 , , 2014 M30 | M34 |
2014 | Raskovic – Lovre Z,, Kurko S., Ivanovic N., Fernández J. F.2, Fernández J. R., Sturm S.,Mogstad T., Novakovic J. G., Novakovic N. |
130 |
The influence of boron doping concentracion on MgH2 electronic structure.
12th Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2010 Herceg Novi Montenegro,Programe and The Book of Abstracts , / , 2010 M30 | M34 |
2010 |
131 |
Theoretical and experimental approach to destabilization methods for improvement of hydrogen sorption kinetics in Mg based systems
XXII National Conference with International Participation - New Cryogenic and Isotope Technologies for Energy and Environment, 24-26 October 2018, Baile Govora, Romania , , 2018 M30 | M34 |
2018 | J.Grbovic Novakovic, S.Kurko, S.Milosevic Govedarovic, T.Pantic, B.Paskas Mamula, M.Medic, N.Novakovic |
132 |
Thermally activated pyrophyllite as ceramic membrane
Nineteenth Young Researchers' Conference Materials Science and Engineering, December 1-3, 2021, pg.27 , Beograd , 2021 M30 | M34 |
2021 | Katarina Tošić, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Nikola Novaković, Mirjana Medić Ilić, Igor Milanović, Silvana Dimitrijević, Jasmina Grbović Novaković |
133 |
TOF-ERDA measurements of hydrogen content and depth profile in Mg-V irradiated thin films
Solid state science and research conference, Zagreb, Croatia , , 2019 M30 | M34 |
2019 | T. Pantić, B. Paskaš Mamula, N. Novaković, S. Milošević Govedarović, S. Kurko, M. Micetić, J. Grbović Novaković |
134 |
The 2nd Workshop of French, Croatian and Serbian Researchers on Hydrogen Storage and Energy Related Materials , / , 2017 M30 | M34 |
2017 |
Dupli unos, za brisanje
135 |
Towards Clarification of Dehydrogenation Mechanism in MgH2 Thin Films
The 2nd Workshop of French, Croatian and Serbian Researchers on Hydrogen Storage and Energy Related Materials, Belgrade, Serbia , , 2017 M30 | M34 |
2017 | S. Kurko, T. Pantić, S. Milošević Govedarović, B. Paskaš Mamula, R. Vujasin, J. Grbović Novaković, N. Novaković |
136 |
Vacancies influence on MgH2 properties
2nd International symposium of Energy storage and conversion mESC-IS 2017, Cappadocia, Turkey , , 2017 M30 | M34 |
2017 | S. Kurko, B. Paskaš Mamula, S. Milošević Govedarović, J. Grbović Novaković, N. Novaković |
137 |
Локална и електронска структура око мангана у вишекомпонентним полупроводницима
ТЕХНИКА-Нови материјали , / , 2013 M50 | M51 |
2013 |
138 |
Одређивање површинских група Боемовом методом на механохемијски модификованој угљеничној тканини
Tehnika - NOVI MATERIJALI , / , 2014 M50 | M52 |
2014 |
139 |
Microstructure Evolution of MgH2 surface after N3+ ion bombardment
Četvrti srpski kongres za mikroskopiju , , Beograd, Srbija , 2010 M60 | M63 |
2010 | Sandra Kurko, Željka Rašković, Nikola Novaković, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Ljiljana Matović |
140 |
Pregled istraživanja o skladištenju vodonika u okviru Centra za vodoničnu energetiku i obnovljive izvore energije - CONVINCE
Savremeni pravci istraživanja vodonika kao goriva budućnosti - Knjiga sažetaka , Beograd , 2022 M60 | M63 |
2022 | Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Sanja Milošević Govedarović, Sandra Kurko, Igor Milanović, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Nikola Novaković |
Za izmenu
141 |
Determination of Iron Charge State in Quaternary Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
XVIII Symposium on Condensed Matter Physics - SFKM 2011 , / , 2011 M60 | M64 |
2011 |
142 |
The influence of defects on hydrogen sorption from magnesium-based composites and thin film
mESC-IS 2022, 6th Int. Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion , Bol, isand of Brač, Croatia , 2022 M30 | M34 |
2022 | Tijana Pantić, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Kristina Žagar Soderžnik, Igor Milanović, Nikola Novaković, Sanja Milošević Govedarović, Jasmina Grbović Novaković |
143 |
DFT study of MgH2 and AlH3 hydrides doped with 3d transition metals
XXIV YUCORR – International Conference , Divčibare, Srbija , 2023 M30 | M33 |
2023 | Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Milijana Dragojlović, Katarina Batalović, Bojana Kuzmanović, Mirjana Medić Ilić, Nikola Novaković |
144 |
The Catalytic Effect of Vanadium on Sorption Properties of MgH2-Based Nanocomposites Obtained Using Low Milling Time
Materials , , 2023 M20 | M21 |
2023 | Zorana Sekulić, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Bojana Babić, Milica Prvulović, Igor Milanović, Nikola Novaković, Dragan Rajnović, Nenad Filipović, Vanja Asanović |
145 |
The influence of defects on hydrogen sorption from Mg–V thin films
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2024 M20 | M21 |
2024 | T. Pantić, B. Paskaš Mamula, K. Žagar Soderžnik, S. Kurko, I. Milanović, N. Novaković, S. Šturm, S. Drev, J. Grbović Novaković, S. Milošević Govedarović |
Za izmenu
146 |
Kinetic behavior of MgH2-transition metal composites: towards hydrogen storage
7th MESC-IS 2023, International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion, Akyaka, Muglia, Turkiye, 17-21 July, 2023 , Akyaka, Turkiye , 2023 M30 | M34 |
2023 | Zorana Sekulić, Bojana Babić, Milica Prvulović, Igor Milanović, Katarina Tošić, Vanja Asanović, Nikola Novaković, Sanja Milošević Govedarović, Jasmina Grbović Novaković |
147 |
P43 - Pyrophyllite modified carbon-based electrode
Solid-State Science & Research Meeting, 28-30 June 2023, Zagreb , Zagreb , 2023 M30 | M34 |
2023 | J. Grbović Novaković, A. Mitrović Rajić ,T. Pantić, S.Milošević Govedarović, N.Novaković, J.Rmuš Mravik, B.Paskaš Mamula |
148 |
Raman spectroscopy study of structural changes in pyrophyllite ore minerals induced by mechanical milling
Powder Technology , , 2024 M20 | M21 |
2024 | Andjela Mitrović Rajić, Željko Mravik, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Sanja Milošević Govedarović, Nikola Novaković, Tijana Pantić, Marko Gloginjic |
149 |
Review of computational advances in tailoring magnesium-hydrogen interactions: Atomistic simulations meet machine learning
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy , , 2024 M20 | M21 |
2024 | Katarina Batalović, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Mirjana Medić Ilić, Bojana Kuzmanović, Jana Radaković, Branislav Stanković, Nikola Novaković |
150 |
2nd SYMPOSIUM ON ENERGETIC MATERIALS AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES SEMANT 2024, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 10 October 2024OP-1-EM , Sarajevo , 2024 M30 | M32 |
2024 | J. Grbović Novaković, S. Milošević Govedarović, I. Milanović, N. Novaković, B. Paskaš Mamula, S. Kurko |
151 |
Hydrogen economy: storage and production
Proceedings of InternatIonal Conference on advances In functIonal MaterIals & CoatIngs (ICAFMC-2024) , Mes PonnanI College-PonnanI-Kerala-IndIa , 2024 M30 | M34 |
2024 | Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Sanja Milošević Govedarović, Igor Milanović, Tijana Pantić, Jelena Rmuš Mravik, Andjela Mitrović Rajić, Ana Vujačić Nikezić, Sandra Kurko, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Nikola Novaković |
152 |
7th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Materials Engineering EMERGEMat , Bucharest, Romania , 2024 M30 | M34 |
2024 | Mirjana Medić Ilić, Bojana Kuzmanović, Bojana Paskaš Mamula, Katarina Batalović, Sefa Emre Sünbül, Nikola Novaković |
153 |
The Influence of Al12Mg17 Compound Concentration in High‐Energy Mixtures on Thermobaric Systems Characteristics
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics , , 2025 M20 | M22 |
2025 | Biljana Jovanović, Nikola Novaković, Sanja Milošević Govedarović, Sandra Kurko, Ljubisav Stamenić, Jasmina Grbović Novaković, Predrag Elek |
154 |
Patent , Beograd , 2024 M80 | M87 |
2024 | Nikola Novakovic, Jasmina Grbovic Novakovic, Sanja Milosevic Govedarovic, Sandra Kurko, Igor Milanovic |