

Tamara Đurić

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# Naziv, Datum, Grupa, Vrsta Godina Autori Status
1 Angiotensin receptor type 1 polymorphism A1166C is associated with altered AT1R and miR-155 expression in carotid plaque tissue and development of hypoechoic carotid plaques.
Angiotensin receptor type 1 polymorphism A1166C is associated with altered AT1R and miR-155 expression in carotid plaque tissue and development of hypoechoic carotid plaques. , / , 2016
M20 | M21
2016 Александра Станковић, Ана Колаковић, Маја Живковић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Бундало Маја, Игор Кончар, Лазар Давидовић, Драган Алавантић
2 Association of MMP-3 5A/6A gene polymorphism with susceptibility to carotid atherosclerosis.
Clin Biochem , , 2008
M20 | M21
2008 Djurić T, Zivković M, Radak D, Jekić D, Radak S, Stojković L, Raicević R, Stanković A, Alavantić D.
3 Association of MMP-8 promoter gene polymorphisms with carotid atherosclerosis: Preliminary study.
Atherosclerosis. , / , 2011
M20 | M21
2011 Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Александра Станковић, Игор Кончар, Đorđe Radak, Лазар Давидовић, Драган Алавантић, Маја Живковић
4 CDKN2B gene expression is affected by 9p21.3 rs10757278 in CAD patients, six months after the MI
, / , 2019
M20 | M21
2019 Zivotic Ivan, Djuric Tamara, Stankovic Aleksandra, Milasinovic Dejan, Stankovic Goran, Dekleva Milica, Nikolic Natasa Markovic, Alavantic Dragan, Zivkovic Maja
5 CXCL16 haplotypes in patients with human carotid atherosclerosis: preliminary results
J Atheroscler Thromb. , / , 2015
M20 | M21
2015 Маја Живковић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Љиљана Стојковић, Иван Јовановић, Игор Кончар, Лазар Давидовић, Невена Вељковић, Драган Алавантић, Александра Станковић
6 CXCL16 in Vascular Pathology Research: from Macro Effects to microRNAs
J Atheroscler Thromb. , / , 2015
M20 | M21
2015 Иван Јовановић, Маја Живковић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Милан Поповић, Драган Алавантић, Александра Станковић
7 Interleukin 7 receptor alpha polymorphism rs6897932 and susceptibility to multiple sclerosis in the Western Balkans.
Mult Scler. , / , 2010
M20 | M21
2010 Александра Станковић, Евица Динчић, Смиљана Ристић, Ловречић Луца, Старчевић-Чизмаревић Нада, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Сепчић Јурај, Каповић Миљенко, Раичевић Ранко, Борут Петерлин, Драган Алавантић, Маја Живковић
8 Matrix metalloproteinase-1 promoter genotypes and haplotypes are associated with carotid plaque presence
Clin Biochem , / , 2012
M20 | M21
2012 Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Љиљана Стојковић, Маја Живковић, Игор Кончар, Александра Станковић, Aна Ђорђевић, Драган Алавантић
9 Perimatrix of middle ear cholesteatoma: A granulation tissue with a specific transcriptomic signature
Laryngoscope , , 2020
M20 | M21
2020 Ivan Jovanovic, Maja Zivkovic, Tamara Djuric, Ljiljana Stojkovic, Snezana Jesic, Aleksandra Stankovic
10 The Effects of Aronia melanocarpa Juice Consumption on the mRNA Expression Profile in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Subjects at Cardiovascular Risk
Nutrients , , 2020
M20 | M21
2020 Ljiljana Stojković , Ivan Jovanović , Maja Zivković , Manja Zec , Tamara Djurić , Ivan Zivotić , Jovana Kuveljić , Ana Kolaković , Ivana Kolić , Ana Djordjević , Marija Glibetić , Dragan Alavantić , Aleksandra Stanković
11 The gender-specific association of CXCL16 A181V gene polymorphism with susceptibility to multiple sclerosis, and its effects on PBMC mRNA and plasma soluble CXCL16 levels: preliminary findings
J Neurol , / , 2014
M20 | M21
2014 Љиљана Стојковић, Александра Станковић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Евица Динчић, Драган Алавантић, Маја Живковић
12 Transcriptome-driven integrative exploration of functional state of ureter tissue affected by CAKUT
LIFE SCIENCES , / , 2018
M20 | M21
2018 Jovanovic Ivan, Zivkovic Maja, Kostic Mirjana, Krstic Zoran, Djuric Tamara, Licastro Danilo, Meroni Germana, Alavantic Dragan, Stankovic Aleksandra
13 Transcriptome-wide based identification of miRs in congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) in children: the significant upregulation of tissue miR-144 expression.
Journal of Translational Medicine , / , 2016
M20 | M21
2016 Јовановић Иван, Маја Живковић, Костић Мирјана, Крстић Зоран, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Колић Ивана, Драган Алавантић, Александра Станковић
14 X-linked angiotensin II type 2 receptor gene polymorphism -1332A/G in male patients with essential hypertension.
Clin Chim Acta , , 2007
M20 | M21
2007 Zivković M, Djurić T, Stancić O, Alavantić D, Stanković A
15 MMP-1 and -3 haplotype is associated with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract. Pediatr Nephrol. 2014 May;29(5):879-84.
Pediatr Nephrol , / , 2014
M20 | M21a
2014 Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Маја Живковић, Биљана Милошевић, Магдалена Анђелевски, Mirjana Cvetkovic, Мирјана Костић, Александра Станковић
16 9p21 locus rs10757278 is associated with advanced carotid atherosclerosis in a gender-specific manner.
9p21 locus rs10757278 is associated with advanced carotid atherosclerosis in a gender-specific manner. , / , 2016
M20 | M22
2016 Иван Животић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Александра Станковић, Ана Ђорђевић, Игор Кончар, Лазар Давидовић, Драган Алавантић, Маја Живковић
17 Apolipoprotein(a) gene polymorphism (TTTTA)n and G/A -914 affect Lp(a) levels in ischemic heart disease patients from Serbia.
Wien Klin Wochenschr , , 2005
M20 | M22
2005 Dincic D, Zivkovic M, Stankovic A, Djuric T, Vujanic S, Gligic B, Alavantic D.
18 Association of PHACTR1 intronic variants with the first myocardial infarction and their effect on PHACTR1 mRNA expression in PBMCs.
Gene , , 2021
M20 | M22
2021 Kuveljic J, Djuric T, Stankovic G, Dekleva M, Stankovic A, Alavantic D, Zivkovic M.
19 Endothelial NOS G894 T and MMP-3 5A/6A gene polymorphisms and hypertension in Serbian population.
J Clin Lab Anal , , 2005
M20 | M22
2005 Djurić T, Zivkovic M, Stankovic A, Mecanin S, Alavantic D.
20 Fructose-rich diet induces gender-specific changes in expression of the renin-angiotensin system in rat heart and upregulates the ACE/AT1R axis in the male rat aorta
Journal of the Renin-Аngiotensin-Аldosterone System , / , 2016
M20 | M22
2016 Бундало Маја, Живковић Маја, Сњежана Ромић, Снежана Тепавчевић, Горан Корићанац, Тамара Ђурић, Станковић Александра
21 Genetic Variants in the Vicinity of LGALS-3 Gene and LGALS-3 mRNA Expression in Advanced Carotid Atherosclerosis: An Exploratory Study
J Clin Lab Anal , , 2016
M20 | M22
2016 Ana Djordjevic, Maja Zivkovic , Aleksandra Stankovic , Ivan Zivotic, Igor Koncar , Lazar Davidovic, Dragan Alavantic, Tamara Djuric
Za izmenu
22 Matrix metalloproteinase-9 -1562 C/T gene polymorphism in Serbian patients with multiple sclerosis.
J Neuroimmunol , , 2007
M20 | M22
2007 Živković M, Djurić T, Dinčić E, Raičević R, Alavantić D, Stanković A.
23 PHACTR1 haplotypes are associated with carotid plaque presence and affect PHACTR1 mRNA expression in carotid plaque tissue
Gene , , 2019
M20 | M22
2019 Jovana Kuveljic, Tamara Djuric , Aleksandra Stankovic, Igor Koncar, Dragan Alavantic, Maja Zivkovic
24 Plasma levels of matrix metalloproteinase-8 in patients with carotid atherosclerosis.
J Clin Lab Anal , / , 2010
M20 | M22
2010 Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Маја Живковић, Александра Станковић, Ана Колаковић, Jekić Djole, Selaković Vesna, Драган Алавантић
25 The association of glutathione S-transferase T1 and M1 deletions with myocardial infarction
Free Radical Research , , 2021
M20 | M22
2021 Zivkovic M, Bubic M, Kolakovic A, Dekleva M, Stankovic G, Stankovic A, Djuric T
26 The association of ACE I/D gene polymorphism with severe carotid atherosclerosis in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy.
J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst , / , 2012
M20 | M22
2012 Kolaković A, Živković M, Ђорђе Радак, Т. Ђурић Делић, Končar I, Davidović L, Dinčić D, Alavantić D, А. Станковић
27 The association of V249I and T280M fractalkine receptor haplotypes with disease course of multiple sclerosis
Journal of Neuroimmunology , / , 2012
M20 | M22
2012 Stojković L, Djurić T, Stanković A, Dinčić E, Stančić O, Невена Вељковић, Alavantić D, Zivković M
28 The HACD4 haplotype as a risk factor for atherosclerosis in males.
, / , 2018
M20 | M22
2018 И. Животић, Т. Ђурић Делић, А. Станковић, I. Ivancevic, И. Кончар, D. Milašinović, Г. Станковић, Д. Алавантић, М. Живковић
29 The sex-specific association of Met62Ile gene polymorphism in P-selectin glycoprotein ligand (PSGL-1) with carotid plaque presence: preliminary study
Mol Biol Rep. , / , 2012
M20 | M22
2012 Маја Живковић, Ана Колаковић, Ђорђе Радак, Драган Динчић, Сандра Радак, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Александра Станковић
30 Apolipoprotein B gene polymorphisms in patients from Serbia with ischemic cerebrovascular disease.
Arch Biol Sci , , 2007
M20 | M23
2007 Stanković A, Stanković S, Jovanović-Marković Z, Živković M, Djurić T, Glišić-Milosavljević S, Alavantić D.
31 Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphisms as risk factors for carotid atherosclerosis.
Vojnosanit Pregl. , / , 2014
M20 | M23
2014 Zurnic Irena, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Кончар И, Александра Станковић, Динчић Д, Маја Живковић
32 Association of MMP1 and MMP3 haplotypes with myocardial infarction and echocardiographic parameters of the left ventricle
Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine , , 2022
M20 | M23
2022 Djuric, T., Kuveljic, J., Djordjevic, A., Dekleva, M., Stankovic, G., Stankovic, A., & Zivkovic, M.
33 eNOS Glu298Asp polymorphism is associated with development of complicated plaques in patients from Serbia with advanced carotid atherosclerosis.
Archives of Biological Sciences , / , 2013
M20 | M23
2013 Ана Ђорђевић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Маја Живковић, Александра Станковић, Anđelevski Magdalena
34 Gender-Specific Association between Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptor -1332 A/G Gene Polymorphism and Advanced Carotid Atherosclerosis
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis , , 2016
M20 | M23
2016 Ana Kolaković, Aleksandra Stanković, Tamara Djurić, Maja Živković, Igor Končar, Lazar Davidović, Djordje Radak, Dragan Alavantić
35 In HCMV-exposed HUVEC, p52/relb regulatory factors mediate activation of the human par1 gene promoter
Arch Biol Sci , - , 2009
M20 | M23
2009 M. Popović, S. Paskaš, M. Živković, T. Đurić-Delić, A. Stanković, L. Burysek
36 Jovanović I, Zivković M, Jovanović J, Djurić T, Stanković A. The co-inertia approach in identification of specific microRNA in early and advanced atherosclerosis plaque. Med Hypotheses. 2014 Jul;83(1):11-5. doi:10.1016/j.mehy.2014.04.019., ISSN 0306-9877, IF 1.196, Izdavac Churchill Livingstone, United Kingdom
Med Hypotheses. , / , 2014
M20 | M23
2014 Иван Јовановић, Маја Живковић, Jovanović Jasmina, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Александра Станковић
37 Left ventricular remodeling after the first myocardial infarction in association with LGALS-3 neighbouring variants rs2274273 and rs17128183 and its relative mRNA expression: a prospective study
M20 | M23
2018 Djordjevic Ana, Dekleva Milica, Zivkovic Maja, Stankovic Aleksandra, Nikolic Natasa Markovic, Alavantic Dragan, Djuric Tamara
38 PRO12ALA gene polymorphism in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma as a risk factor for the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Serbian population.
Arch Biol Sci , / , 2010
M20 | M23
2010 Sanja Soskić, Александра Станковић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Маја Живковић, P. Ristić, Z. Andjelković, Mirjana Šumarac-Dumanović, Драган Алавантић
39 Tag Variants of LGALS-3 Containing Haplotype Block in Advanced Carotid Atherosclerosis
J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis , , 2022
M20 | M23
2022 Djordjevic A, Zivkovic M, Koncar I, Stankovic A, Kuveljic J, Djuric T
40 Gene and environment interaction in asthma and allergy: Overview and perspectives.
Gene and environment interaction in asthma and allergy: Overview and perspectives. The Third International WeBIOPATR Workshop, 15-17. nov 2011. Belgrade , / , 2011
M30 | M31
2011 Александра Станковић, Драган Алавантић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Маја Живковић
41 Risk factors of atherosclerosis: A review of genetic epidemiology data from a Serbian population.
Casopis: Experimental and Clinical Cardiology, Konferencija: Satellite Symposium of The XIV International Symposium on Atherosclerosis: From Vascular Biology to the Atherosclerosis Prevention , Belgrade , 2006
M30 | M31
2006 Alavantić D, Djurić T.
Za izmenu
42 Microarray in Serbia today: implementation in cardiovascular diseases.
Djurić T, Živković M, Jovanović I, Stanković A, Alavantić D. Microarray in Serbia today: implementation in cardiovascular diseases. , / , 2015
M30 | M32
2015 Драган Алавантић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Маја Живковић, Александра Станковић, Јовановић Иван
43 Combined effects of lipopprotein lipase and apolipoprotein E polymorphisms on serum lipid levels in Serbian population.
15th European Congress of clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine , Barcelona, Spain , 2003
M30 | M33
2003 Glišić S, Stanković S, Đurić T, Mečanin S, Majkić-Singh N.
Za izmenu
44 Identification of interleukin-6 gene expression in human carotid plaques.
XVI International Symposium on drugs affecting lipid metabolism, 4-7. october. J Clin Lipidol , NY, USA , 2007
M30 | M33
2007 M. Zivkovic, Dj. Radak, A. Stankovic, T. Djuric, O. Stancic, S. Radak, D. Alavantic.
Za izmenu
45 . Jovanović I, Živković M, Jovanović J, Đurić T, Stanković A. The prediction of potentially new microRNA biomarkers for advanced atherosclerosis using Co-inertia analysis. V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society, Kladovo, Serbia, September 28th-October 2nd 2014, page 234
Stanković A. The prediction of potentially new microRNA biomarkers for advanced atherosclerosis using Co-inertia analysis. V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society , / , 2014
M30 | M34
2014 Иван Јовановић, Маја Живковић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Александра Станковић, Jovanovic Jasmina
46 ACE I/D and MMP-3 5A/6A gene polymorphisms and hypertension in Serbian males.
76th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society, 10-13. june, Atherosclerosis Supplements , Helsinki, Finland , 2007
M30 | M34
2007 T Djuric, A Stankovic, M Zivkovic, S Mecanin, D Alavantic.
47 ACE I/D gene polymorphism and renal parenchymal damage.
IPNA2007 14th Cong. of the Int. Ped. Nephr.Ass. 31.aug. – 04 sept , Budapest, Hungary , 2007
M30 | M34
2007 A. Stankovic, M. Kostic, M. Zivkovic, A. Peco-Antic, B. Milosevic , G. Milosevska, T. Djuric, D. Alavantic.
Za izmenu
48 Alavantic. eNOS gene polymorphism (Glu298Asp) and stroke in Serbian population.
European Human Genetics Conference, June 12-15 , Munich, Germany , 2004
M30 | M34
2004 M. D. Zivkovic, T. M. Djuric, A. D. Stankovic, Z. Jovanovic, S. Glisic, N. Sternic, D. N.
49 Association of Angiotensin II Type 1 receptor +1166 A/C gene polymorphism with human carotid plaque vulnerability
Association of Angiotensin II Type 1 receptor +1166 A/C gene polymorphism with human carotid plaque vulnerability , / , 2011
M30 | M34
2011 Ана Колаковић, Маја Живковић, Ђорђе Радак, Игор Кончар, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Лазар Давидовић, Драган Алавантић, Александра Станковић
50 Association of DNA polymorphism in apolipoprotein E and angiotensin I-converting enzyme genes with serum lipids and arterial blood pressure.
I jugoslovenski kongres o aterosklerozi sa medjunarodnim učešćem , Beograd , 2001
M30 | M34
2001 Stanković A, Stanković S, Đurić T, Alavantić D.
Za izmenu
51 Association of lipoprotein lipase gene Asn291Ser DNA polymorphism with plasma lipid levels.
European Human Genetics Conference, May 3-6, 2003, Eur J Hum Genet , Birmingham, UK , 2003
M30 | M34
2003 Glišić S, Stanković A, Zivković M, Đurić T, Alavantić D.
52 Association of MMP-3 5A.6A and NOS3 G894T polymorphisms with hypertension and serum HDL cholesterol level.
75th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society, 23-26. april , Prague, Czech Republic , 2005
M30 | M34
2005 T. Djuric, M. Zivkovic, S. Mecanin, O. Caranovic, A. Stankovic, D Alavantic.
53 Association of MMP-3 5A/6A gene polymorphism with Lp(a) levels in healthy subjects.
75th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society, 23-26. april , Prague, Czech Republic , 2005
M30 | M34
2005 M. Zivkovic, T. Djuric, D. Dincic, A. Stankovic, D. Alavantic.
54 ATR1 A1166C gene polymorphism in children with urinary bladder disfunction-UBD and renal scaring.
36th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paedriatic Nephrology,, Pediatric Nephrology , Bilbao (Spain) , 2002
M30 | M34
2002 Stanković A, Kostić M, Peco-Antić A, Živković M, Đurić T, Jovanović O, Kruščić D, Paripović D.
Za izmenu
55 ATR2 A-1332G gene polymorphism and hypertension in Serbian males. , .
76th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society, 10-13. june, Atherosclerosis Supplements , Helsinki, Finland , 2007
M30 | M34
2007 A Stankovic, T Djuric, M Zivkovic, A Rakovic, D Alavantic.
56 ATR2 gene polymorphism in children with UBD and upper urinary tract dilatation.
6th BANTAO Congress, October 6-9 , Varna, Bulgaria , 2003
M30 | M34
2003 Kostić M, Stanković A, Peco-Antić A, Živković M, Đurić T.
Za izmenu
57 Combined effect of ACE I/D and AT1R A1166C polymorphisms on blood pressure and lipid levels.
75th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society, 23-26. april , Prague, Czech Republic , 2005
M30 | M34
2005 A. Stankovic, M. Zivkovic, T. Djuric, D. Alavantic.
58 CXCL16 123T allele is associated with elevated SOD activity in patients with advanced carotid atherosclerosis
V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society , / , 2014
M30 | M34
2014 Маја Бундало, Љиљана Стојковић, Маја Живковић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Александра Станковић, Драган Алавантић
59 Effects of apoE gene polymorphism on plasma Lp(a) levels in Serbian patients with ischemic heart disease.
European Human Genetics Conference May 3-6, Eur J Hum Genet , Birmingham, UK, , 2003
M30 | M34
2003 Zivković MD, Dinčić D, Stanković A, Glišić S, Đurić T, Alavantić D
Za izmenu
60 Genetic variant rs2275888 from HACD4 gene, confers risk for ischemic stroke in male patients with carotid plaque
89th EAS Congress , , 2021
M30 | M34
2021 Ivan Životić, Ana Djordjevic, Jovana Kuveljić, Tamara Đurić, Igor Končar, Aleksandra Stanković, Maja Živković
61 Haplotype effects of cxcl16 a181v and i123t gene polymorphisms on occurrence of carotid atherosclerotic plaque
The 80th EAS Congress , / , 2012
M30 | M34
2012 Милан Поповић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Љиљана Стојковић, Ђорђе Радак, Игор Кончар, Александра Станковић, Драган Алавантић, Маја Живковић
62 Haplotype effects of the matrix metalloproteinase-1 promoter polymorphisms on the risk for carotid atherosclerosis in Serbian population
The 80th EAS Congress , / , 2012
M30 | M34
2012 Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Љиљана Стојковић, Маја Живковић, Игор Кончар, Ана Ђорђевић, Александра Станковић, Драган Алавантић
63 Heart failure development and rs2274273 in the vicinity of LGALS-3 locus, LGALS-3 relative mRNA expression in patients with first myocardial infarction.
Heart Failure and 4th World Congress on Acute Heart Failure , , 2017
M30 | M34
2017 Djordjevic Ana, Dekleva Milica, Zivkovic Maja, Stankovic Aleksandra, Markovic-Nikolic Natasa, Alavantic Dragan, Djuric Tamara
64 Identification of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 gene expression in human carotid plaques.
76th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society, 10-13. june, Atherosclerosis Supplements , Helsinki, Finland , 2007
M30 | M34
2007 M. Zivkovic, D.J. Radak, A. Stankovic, T. Djuric, A. Rakovic, S. Radak, D. Alavantic.
65 LGALS-3 containing haplotype block tag variants in association with cardiac parameters changes within six months after the first acute myocardial infarction.
Heart Failure and World Congress on Acute Heart Failure. Online congress , , 2021
M30 | M34
2021 Djordjevic Ana, Dekleva Milica, Zivkovic Maja, Stankovic Aleksandra, Kuveljic Jovana, Djuric Tamara
66 LGALS-3 containing haplotype block tag variants in association with cerebrovascular ischemic events
89th EAS Congress , , 2021
M30 | M34
2021 Djordjevic Ana, Zivkovic Maja, Kuveljic Jovana, Koncar Igor, Zivotic Ivan, Djuric Tamara
67 Lipoprotein (a) levels in coronary and carotid atherosclerosis in patients from Serbia.
XVI International Symposium on drugs affecting lipid metabolism, 4-7. october. J Clin Lipidol , NY, USA , 2007
M30 | M34
2007 D. Dincic, M. Zivkovic, Dj. Radak, T. Djuric, S. Radak, A. Stankovic, D. Alavantic.
Za izmenu
68 Matrix Metaloproteinase-1 and Matrix Metaloproteinase-3 Promoter Gene Polumorphisms in Left Ventricular Remodeling After First Myocardial Infarction: Preliminary Results
3rd congress of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation , Belgrade, Republic of Serbia , 2014
M30 | M34
2014 Djordjevic A., Zivkovic M., Kuveljic J., Stankovic A., Djuric Delic T., Dekleva M, Markovic Nikolic N
Dupli unos, za brisanje
69 Metabolic syndrome in vascular patients
J Cardiovasc Surg Suppl II The 62nd International Congress of The European Society for Cardiovascular and Endovascular Surgery , / , 2013
M30 | M34
2013 Лазар Давидовић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Маја Живковић, Игор Кончар
70 MMPs haplotypes in association with myocardial infarction and echocardiographic parameters of left ventricular remodeling
6 th meeting of European section and 7 th meeting of North American section of the international academy of cardiovascular sciences (IACS) , , 2019
M30 | M34
2019 Kuveljić J, Djordjević A, Živković M, Popić K, Dekleva M, Marković Nikolić N, Alavantić D, Stanković A, Djurić T
71 Polymorphism rs10757278 in 9p21 region is associated with severe carotid atherosclerosis in sex specific manner: Preliminary results.
V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society , , 2014
M30 | M34
2014 Zivotic Ivan, Djordjevic Ana, Djuric Tamara, Koncar Igor, Alavantic Dragan, Stankovic Aleksandra, Zivkovic Maja
Za izmenu
72 Prevalence of apolipoprotein E genotypes in multiple sclerosis patients, Serbia and Montenegro. .
19th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, Multiple Sclerosis , Milan, Italy , 2003
M30 | M34
2003 Dinčić E, Živković M, Obradović D, Raičević R, Djurić T, Stanković A.
3rd congress of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, October 29-31, 2014, page 210 , / , 2014
M30 | M34
2014 Маја Живковић, Иван Животић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Ана Ђорђевић, Драган Алавантић, Александра Станковић, Markovic Nikolic N, Dekleva M
74 Rs10757278 from 9p21 is associated with ST-elevated myocardial infarction in females in population of Serbia.
85th EAS Congress, Prague , , 2017
M30 | M34
2017 Zivotic Ivan, Zivkovic Maja, Djuric Tamara, Stankovic Aleksandra, Djordjevic Ana, Dekleva Milica, Markovic-Nikolic Natasa, Alavantic Dragan
75 Rs2274273 from LGALS-3 locus and cardiac ventricular remodeling after first myocardial infarction: preliminary results.
Heart Failure Winter Research Meeting , , 2016
M30 | M34
2016 Djordjevic Ana, Djuric Tamara, Zivkovic Maja, Zivotic Ivan, Dekleva Milica, Markovic-Nikolic Natasa, Alavantic Dragan, Stankovic Aleksandra
Za izmenu
76 Rs2274273 from LGALS-3 locus and ventricular remodeling after first myocardial infarction: preliminary results.
Heart Failure 2016 Featuring the 3rd World Congress on Acute Heart Failure , , 2016
M30 | M34
2016 Djordjevic Ana, Djuric Tamara, Zivkovic Maja, Zivotic Ivan, Dekleva Milica, Markovic-Nikolic Natasa, Alavantic Dragan, Stankovic Aleksandra
Dupli unos, za brisanje
77 Rs2274273 gene polymorphism in the locus that harbors a LGALS-3 gene and left ventricular remodeling after first myocardial infarction: preliminary results.
3rd congress of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation , , 2014
M30 | M34
2014 Djordjevic Ana, Djuric Tamara, Zivkovic Maja, Zivotic Ivan, Dekleva Milica, Markovic-Nikolic Natasa, Stankovic Aleksandra, Alavantic Dragan
78 RS2274273 GENE POLYMORPHISMS IN THE LOCUS THAT HARBOURS LGALS-3 GENE AND LEFT VENTRICULAR REMODELING AFTER FIRST MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: PRELIMINARY RESULTS. 3rd congress of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, October 29-31, 2014, page 109,Đorđević A, Đurić T, Živković M, Životić I, Dekleva M, Marković-Nikolić N, Stanković A, Alavantić D. RS2274273 GENE POLYMORPHISMS IN THE LOCUS THAT HARBOURS LGALS-3 GENE AND LEFT VENTRICULAR REMODELING AFTER FIRST MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: PRELIMINARY RESULTS.
3rd congress of physiological sciences of Serbia with international participation, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, October 29-31, 2014, page 109 , / , 2014
M30 | M34
2014 Dekleva M, Markovic Nikolic N, Драган Алавантић, Александра Станковић, Маја Живковић, Иван Животић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Ана Ђорђевић
79 SNPs in the haplotype block containing LGALS-3 and echocardiographic parameters of LV structure and function 6 months after myocardial infarction: preliminary results.
Joint meeting of national physiological societies new perspectives in physiological research – young investigator forum , , 2017
M30 | M34
2017 Djordjevic Ana, Zivkovic Maja, Dekleva Milica, Markovic-Nikolic Natasa, Alavantic Dragan, Stankovic Aleksandra, Djuric Tamara
80 SNPs in the vicinity of LGALS-3 locus and different shape-types of heart remodeling after the first myocardial infarction: preliminary results.
85th EAS Congress , , 2017
M30 | M34
2017 Djordjevic Ana, Zivkovic Maja, Dekleva Milica, Markovic-Nikolic Natasa, Alavantic Dragan, Stankovic Aleksandra, Djuric Tamara
82nd EAS Congress , , 2014
M30 | M34
2014 Maja Zivkovic, Tamara Djuric, Ana Djordjevic, Ivan Zivotic, Igor Koncar, Lazar Davidovic, Dragan Alavantic, Aleksandra Stankovic
82 The 9p21 chromosomal locus in atherosclerosis.
Živković M, Životić I, Djurić T, Stanković A, Djordjević A, Končar I, Davidović L, Dekleva M, Markovic Nikolic N, Alavantić D. The 9p21 chromosomal locus in atherosclerosis. , / , 2015
M30 | M34
2015 Драган Алавантић, Лазар Давидовић, Ана Ђорђевић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Маја Живковић, Иван Животић, Игор Кончар, Александра Станковић, Марковић Николић Наташа, Деклева Милица
83 The angiotensin II type 2 receptor -1332 A/G gene polymorphism (rs1403543) is associated with stroke in males patients with carotid atherosclerosis
Cerebrovascular Disease; suppl 22. European Stroke Conference , / , 2010
M30 | M34
2010 Ана Колаковић, Маја Живковић, Игор Кончар, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Александра Станковић
84 The Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 expression in human carotid plaque.
XVI International Symposium on drugs affecting lipid metabolism, 4-7. october. J Clin Lipidol , NY, USA , 2007
M30 | M34
2007 A. Stankovic, M. Zivkovic, Dj. Radak, T. Djuric, S. Radak, D. Alavantic.
Za izmenu
85 The angiotensin-I converting enzyme gene polymorphism and Alzheimer’s diesease.
European Human Genetics Conference, May 3-6, 2003, Eur J Hum Genet , Birmingham, UK , 2003
M30 | M34
2003 Đurić T, Stanković A, Zivković M, Glišić S, Pavlović D, Alavantić D.
86 The association of the glutathione S-transferase T1 and M1 deletion with myocardial infarction in Serbian population
VI Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society, October 13th - 17th, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia , , 2019
M30 | M34
2019 Kolakovic Ana, Bubic Maja, Djuric Tamara, Stankovic Aleksandra, Alavantic Dragan, Dekleva Milica, Markovic Nikolic Natasa, Zivković Maja
87 The effect of DNA polymorphisms in the angiotensin I-converting enzyme and angiotensin II type 1 receptor genes with arterial blood pressure levels in Serbian population.
European human genetics conference, 25-28 Maj, Eur J Hum Genet , Strasbourg , 2002
M30 | M34
2002 Stanković A, Živkovic M, Đurić T, Alavantić D
Za izmenu
88 The eNOS rs1799983 gene polymorphism (Glu298Asp) in association with cardiovascular profiles in patients with vasovagal syncope
The 7th international symposium on neurocardiology, Neurocard 2015, Belgrade , / , 2015
M30 | M34
2015 Иван Животић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Маја Живковић, Тијана Бојић, Б. Миловановић, Драган Алавантић, Александра Станковић
89 TheAT1 receptor polymorphism rs5186 and miR-155 expression in human carotid plaques
Zivkovic M, Kolakovic A, Djuric T, Alavantic D, Stankovic A. TheAT1 receptor polymorphism rs5186 and miR-155 expression in human carotid plaques. 83rd EAS Congress Glasgow, 2015. , / , 2015
M30 | M34
2015 Маја Живковић, Ана Колаковић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Драган Алавантић, Александра Станковић
90 Variant rs10757278 in 9p21 region is associated with coronary artery disease as comorbidity with carotid atherosclerosis, in males only
FEBS3+Meeting, molecules of life , Portorož, Slovenija , 2015
M30 | M34
2015 Ivan Životić, Ana Đorđević, Tamara Đurić, Igor Končar, Aleksandra Stanković, Maja Živković
Za izmenu
91 Association of ACE I/D and MMP-3 5A/6A gene polymorphisms with hypertension in men from Serbia.
Arch Biol Sci , , 2006
M50 | M51
2006 Živković M, Djurić T, Alavantić D, Mečanin S, Stanković A.
92 Studije asocijacije celokupnog genoma u kardiovaskularnim bolestima i hipertenziji
Studije asocijacije celokupnog genoma u kardiovaskularnim bolestima i hipertenziji. XVIII KONGRES UDRUŽENJA KARDIOLOGA SRBIJE sa međunarodnim učešćem. Hotel \\\\\\\"Continental Beograd 24-27. novembar 2011. , / , 2011
M60 | M62
2011 Александра Станковић, Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Маја Живковић, Драган Алавантић
93 Remodelovanje vancelijskog matriksa u aterosklerozi: genomika i transkriptomika.
Remodelovanje vancelijskog matriksa u aterosklerozi: genomika i transkriptomika. XVIII KONGRES UDRUŽENJA KARDIOLOGA SRBIJE sa međunarodnim učešćem. Hotel \\\"Continental Beograd 24-27. novembar 2011 , / , 2011
M60 | M64
2011 Тамара Ђурић-Делић, Александра Станковић, Драган Алавантић, Маја Живковић
94 Molekularna epidemiologija ateroskleroze karotida: genski polimorfizmi u familiji humanih metaloproteinaza matriksa
Univerzitet u Beogradu , , 2008
M70 | M71
2008 Djuric Tamara
95 Interakcija polimorfizama DNK u genima za matriks metaloproteinazu-3 (stromelizin-1) i endotelijalnu azot oksid sintazu sa faktorima rizika za nastajanje kardiovaskularnih bolesti u humanoj populaciji
Univerzitet u Beogradu , Beograd , 2004
M70 | M72
2004 Djuric Tamara
96 Sex related difference in Heart Failure development in patients after first myocardial infarction; role of galectin-3
ESC Congress , , 2022
M30 | M34
2022 M Dekleva, T Djuric, A Djordjevic, I Soldatovic, A Stankovic, A Stevanovic, M Zivkovic
97 Variants Tagging LGALS-3 Haplotype Block in Association with First Myocardial Infarction and Plasma Galectin-3 Six Months after the Acute Event
Genes , , 2023
M20 | M22
2023 Ana Djordjevic, Maja Zivkovic, Maja Boskovic, Milica Dekleva, Goran Stankovic, Aleksandra Stankovic, Tamara Djuric
Drugi kongres molekularnih biologa Srbije , , 2023
M60 | M64
2023 Jovana Kuveljic, Ivan Zivotic, Milica Dekleva, Maja Zivkovic, Tamara Djuric
99 The crosstalk between circulating exosome carried miRNAs and ferroptosis related genes in multiple sclerosis
Small New World 2.0 , Grac, Austrija , 2023
M30 | M34
2023 Jovana Kuveljic, Ivan Jovanovic, Maja Kosanovic, Natasa Macak, Tamara Djuric, Aleksandra Stankovic, Maja Zivkovic
100 Varijante u genima familije sirtuina: potencijal za buduća istraživanja u kardiovaskularnim bolestima.
Prva Konferencija Srpskog Biološkog Društva „Stevan Jakovljević“,Kragujevac , 20-22. Septembar 2023, Kragujevac , 2023
M60 | M62
2023 Kolaković Ana, Đurić Tamara, Maja Živković
101 Association of SIRT6 SNP rs107251 with hypoechoic carotid plaque: An exploratory study
90th EAS Congress. May 22nd-25th , Milano, Italy , Milano, Italy , 2022
M30 | M34
2022 Kolakovic Ana, Djuric Tamara , Koncar Igor , Zivotic Ivan , Djordjevic Ana , Zivkovic Maja
102 PHACTR1 u kardiovaskularnim bolestima: od studija asocijacije na celokupnom genomu do funkcionalnih studija
Trendovi u molekularnoj biologiji 3 , , 2023
M40 | M45
2023 Jovana Kuveljic,Tamara Djuric
103 Right ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling in the early stages of infarction could optimize patient risk stratification over five years
ESC Congress 2023 , , 2023
M30 | M34
2023 M Dekleva, M Martinovic, A Stevanovic, M Zivkovic, A Djordjevic, T Djuric, A Stankovic
104 Association of IL2RA rs2104286 variant with adaptive immunity gene expressions located in 17q12-21 chromosomal region in multiple sclerosis patients
Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia , , 2023
M60 | M64
2023 Milan Stefanović, Ljiljana Stojkovic, Tamara Djurić, Aleksandra Stanković, Evica Dinčić, Maja Živković
105 The expression of renin-angiotensin system components in human carotid plaque
Vojnosanitetski pregled , , 2024
M20 | M23
2024 Ana Kolakovic, Maja Bundalo, Tamara Djuric, Igor Koncar, Aleksandra Stankovic, Maja Zivkovic
106 Association of MMP-1 -1607 G/2G gene polymorphism with stroke: A preliminary study.
VII/XIII Congress of neurologists in Serbia accompanied with International participants. , Septembar 11th-14th 2008, Kragujevac , 2008
M30 | M34
2008 Djuric Tamara, Radak Djordje, Zivković Maja, Radak Sandra, Stojković Ljiljana, Kolakovic Ana, Stankovic Aleksandra, Alavantic Dragan
107 Haplotype effect of the MMP-3 5A/6A and MMP-1 -1607 G/2G gene polymorphisms on risk for stroke.
The 77th EAS Congress. April 26th-29th 2008, Istanbul, Turkey. Atherosclerosis 9(1, Suppl): p.236. , Istanbul , Turkey , 2008
M30 | M34
2008 Zivkovic Maja, Djuric Tamara, Stankovic Aleksandra, Kolakovic Ana, Jekić Djole, Ranko Raicevic, Dragan Alavantic
Za izmenu
108 Matrix metalloproteinase-9 gene polymorphism-1562 C/T as susceptibility factor for carotid atherosclerotic plaque development.
IV Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society. June 1st-5th 2009,Tara, Serbia: p.90. , Tara , Serbia , 2009
M30 | M34
2009 Kolakovic Ana, Stojkovic Ljiljana, Radak Djordje, Tamara Djuric, Radak Sandra, Stankovic Aleksandra, Alavantic Dragan, Zivkovic Maja
Za izmenu
109 The MMP-9 promoter genetic variant rs3918242, mRNA and protein expression in advanced carotid plaque tissue
Molecular Biology Reports , , 2024
M20 | M23
2024 Maja Zivkovic, Aleksandra Stankovic, Igor Koncar, Ana Kolakovic, Maja Boskovic, Tamara Djuric
110 Targeted RNAseq Revealed the Gene Expression Signature of Ferroptosis-Related Processes Associated with Disease Severity in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
International Journal of Molecular Sciences , , 2024
M20 | M21
2024 Ljiljana Stojkovic, Ivan Jovanovic, Evica Dincic, Ana Djordjevic, Jovana Kuveljic, Tamara Djuric, Aleksandra Stankovic, Slobodan Vojinovic, Maja Zivkovic
111 Association of genetic variant rs3176326 residing in ferroptosis-related CDKN1A with multiple sclerosis severity
VII Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society , Zlatibor, Serbia , 2024
M30 | M34
2024 Djuric Tamara, Stefanovic Milan, Kuveljic Jovana, Djordjevic Ana, Kolakovic Ana, Dincic Evica, Zivkovic Maja
112 LncRNA PVT1 gene variant rs4410871 affects parameters associated with higher risk of heart failure in patients with first acute myocardial infarction
VII Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society , Zlatibor, Serbia , 2024
M30 | M34
2024 Natasa Macak, Tamara Djuric, Milica Dekleva, Jovana Kuveljic, Ivan Zivotic, Maja Zivkovic, Ana Djordjevic
113 HMGB1 mRNA expression in PBMCs of controls and patients six months after the first myocardial infarction, and correlations with left ventricular echocardiographic parameters
European Human Genetics Virtual Conference ESHG 2024 , Berlin, Germany , 2024
M30 | M34
2024 Jovana Kuveljic, Ana Djordjevic, Milica Dekleva, Ana Kolakovic, Ivan Zivotic, Tamara Djuric and Maja Zivkovic
114 Endogenous IFNβ1 mRNA level associates with the course of multiple sclerosis
VII Congress of Serbian Genetic Society , Zlatibor, Srbija , 2024
M30 | M34
2024 Ivan Životić, Ivana Kolić, Milan Stefanović, Ljiljana Stojković, Evica Dinčić, Tamara Djurić, Maja Živković
Za izmenu
115 Exploring Genetic Variant Selection Algorithms for Enhanced Genotyping Assays in Personalized Medicine
5TH Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference. , Beograd , 2024
M30 | M34
2024 Katarina Kruščić, Ivan Životić, Maja Živković,Tamara Đurić
116 Expression of HMGB1, TGF-β1, BIRC3, ADAM17, CDKN1A, and FTO in Relation to Left Ventricular Remodeling in Patients Six Months after the First Myocardial Infarction: A Prospective Study
Genes , , 2024
M20 | M22
2024 Jovana Kuveljic, Ana Djordjevic, Ivan Zivotic, Milica Dekleva, Ana Kolakovic, Maja Zivkovic, Aleksandra Stankovic, Tamara Djuric
117 Circulatory Indicators of Lipid Peroxidation, the Driver of Ferroptosis, Reflect Differences between Relapsing–Remitting and Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
International Journal of Molecular Sciences , , 2024
M20 | M21
2024 Ljiljana Stojkovic, Ana Djordjevic, Milan Stefanovic, Aleksandra Stankovic, Evica Dincic, Tamara Djuric, Maja Zivkovic
118 Sex-Related Differences in Heart Failure Development in Patients After First Myocardial Infarction: The Role of Galectin-3
Biomedicines , , 2024
M20 | M21
2024 Milica Dekleva, Tamara Djuric, Ana Djordjevic, Ivan Soldatovic, Aleksandra Stankovic, Jelena Suzic Lazic, Maja Zivkovic


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